A sad farewell

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Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
When I first joined this site,it was to exchange ideas with like minded people.There was a time when I could find answers on this site.
Now I find there are less and less like minded people on aps.There is an abundance of children who do not hesitate answering a question ..even if they don't have a clue what they are talking about.
I have been copping more and more flack,jibes and personal attacks of late.I do not apologise for refusing to pander to pre-pubescent fantasies about owning crocodiles and other such facile posts.
Members have been leaving at an alarming rate (Mark,Pinkie & Spilota-chic just to name a few).I am starting to see why and it is time I left.
Please do not bother replying to this post or sending any emails.I will not be coming back to check on this forum any more.
:cry: I never thought of you as a quitter Greebo. I would think that we could resolve this problem. It only further degrades the community to have people leave, it is never a good thing. :cry:
Guys, he's not coming back. He's not even reading the site. I've been talking to him...so, if you're trying to lure him back...it won't work, I'm afriad. He hasn't been back here since his last post...not even for a peek.

Mel x
No Mel - no luring intended - I just liked his posts - I wouldn't come back once I'd given up on something. 8)
World will not end with out Grebo. He don't like us, so be it. I actually like kids to be part of this site.
Ok, I've been resisting the urge to post on this topic for too long.

I for one find it absolutely hilarious that Greebo would have the nerve to cry about catching a little flack. Greebo, the king of stomping on other peoples feelings. The guy responsible for running off more than his share of newbies to this site. And he's going to cry because we picked on him a little about it? What a dick! I know some of you liked him, and I even liked him, when he wasn't being a rude prick to people he felt were too stupid to have their own thoughts.

As for lacking information, I have never once seen an unanswered question here. If you want straight up info, buy a freakin' book. I don't know about anybody else, but I kinda' thought these forums were about sharing knowledge, and connecting with other people. So what if the kids don't know the answers. So what if the kids ask questions you find stupid. So what if they have nerve to dream about something you find stupid. So what if we joke around a lot. So what if we're not all experts on everything.

I guess for me it comes down to this. Leave then if you don't like it. There are 6+ billion people in the world. We have 448 members in the list. Maybe around 50, if that, post in these forums. If you don't want to be here, and this forum don't do it for you, why the hell are you reading this. I just hope that member 449 has more fun here than you did.

I won't miss Greebo. He made it clear he wasn't happy here. He tried hard to make others here into what he thought they should be. He wasted his time. People are who they are, and I'm just glad I enjoy that about life and other people. I've got better things to do with my time then feel sorry for those who can't enjoy other people.
Well put almaron.

Ciao(sic) greebo

can we put this thread to bed now please??
I think I get your drift AL. You don't miss him. I know what you mean - there was a kind of negative cloud around some of his posts but there were some good posts too before he lost his patience. I think the site has re-balanced itself now.

I like it when you don't hold back and like Slateman says I like the fact that some kids can get encouragement here - after all they are the next generation of herpers. 8)
very well spoken there Almaron. This site will not be perfect for everyone, nothing ever is but as long as there are fun loving members here it will sure be #1 on my list of favourites :) Nobody is forcing anyone to log on here, it is personal choice all the way :)
good1 Almaron.this site would be boring without us kids to ask questions.I have ben learning about snakes to one day get one.i learn lots of stuff here.i learn people are quick to put boot in if you say what you think,so i be careful now on.
sorry mel
moderator jump onme and say your not a stripper just a girl with no clothes on.I dont know diffrence but sorry ok?since they are not dirty pics can you send me some?
LMAO Metallicagear..... :lol: :lol:

Thats gotta be the best honesty post I have seen in a long while.

Cheers Hawkeye
Metal, you getting me crack open boy. I like your sense of humor. Just remember that this community is all about kindness and we respect each other. You are welcome to enjoy company of other members if you don't call the names.
Looks like you will be great input to our clown section. Africafish and poor old Slaty me are the principal members for this part of our community. :p
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