A Word of Warning re Herp Trader Adds

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It's funny how when someone tries to help others they are deemed to be doing the wrong thing. I remember after I bought an Atherton from Darin Townsend (junglesrus), I happened to recommend them in my comments and said that Darin was happy to show me through his collection. I was then attacked (by other members, NOT Darin) that I shouldn't voice this on the internet for fear of security and it was disgusting and disrespectful to Darin. I was merely praising a man who I think is a very dedicated herper who sells good quality, healthy animals.

Bob's comment was not an attack on the Herp Trader...end of story....gee we wonder why nobody wants to help anyone else anymore.

Simon Archibald

...with that said, I think the Herptrader and Herp Shop are great to deal with. They were incredibly helpful when I sold a few snakes last year.

Simon Archibald
Well maybe the spin I put on the post was a little sensitive, but hey, I know I was not the only one that read it that way.

The way it came across to me is the same as if somebody had started a thread titled: ?Criminals attend Big Guy?s reptile shows? and went on to describe how they had heard from a friend that some of the audience at Bob?s shows had criminal backgrounds and as such one should take care when attending these shows.

Now the fact that criminals are amongst the audience at reptile shows would come as no surprise to most be they pick pockets or axe murders. But the strong association with Big Guy?s reptile shows (as opposed to reptile shows in general) would be misleading and unappreciated.

Probably time to let the matter rest. Buyer beware, caveat emptor or however you prefer to put it, shop around and don?t buy them if you don?t want them.

regards __daavid
A Word of Warning re Herp Trader Adds

If this had been titled:

"A word of warning re online classifieds"

there would not have been any problem and the message would have got across equally as well, infact, better than it did.
Sorry HT, gotta say, I read it as warning about something he came across, and it happened to be on Herptrader. I sure didn't read it as an attack on you, but rather as a warning about something he noticed on a website. Could have been anywhere.
Anyway thanks to bigguys post we all know that herptrader is great place to shop.
I think that you guys from herp trader are getting great publicity here.
Just to echo what others here are saying - I've bought twice via Herp Trader this year. Each time the vendors were genuine, the prices were better than usual and the animals I bought were great.

And the Herp Trader service was excellent.

I visit it each day - while I was browsing it the other night, my wife scared the heck out of me by sneaking up behind me and then shouting YOU ARE NOT BUYING ANY MORE SNAKES!!

BTW. Both western bluetongue adds were from different sellers and both were genuine.
too big a coincidence for me, I doubt they were genuine.
same wordage in the ads, when I saw them I thought exactly the same thing as bigguy.
What a marketing ploy - still getting $1300 for max $750 worth of lizards.
there must be some fantastically gullible people out there with lots of money.

I thought the best marketing ploy last season was the guy that advertised his womas for $4700 per pair - it must have been when she ovulated he posted the ad, it was very early in the season. I bet he sold them all too. People are too impulsive and they have to wait a whole year for things to breed, after waiting 9 months or so they cant wait to spend their money.

I never mentioned what adds I was referring too. But for your information there were three adds for Western Bluetongues.
1st add $3200 for three from NSW
2nd add $1300 for three from a licenced dealer in SA
3rd add $1,200 for one from NSW

Adds 1 and 3 WERE the same seller as adviced by Brian Barnett of Herp Trader.
Hi, I also agree the Herp Trader is a great place to buy and sell reptiles. I use it all the time. As a matter of fact it was I that suggested to Brian Barnett to add a advertising page to his web site which Daavid had created.

Daavid Turnbull then ran with the idea and created the Herp Trader of today. Due to the hard work of Daavid and his better half, Judy the Herp Trader became so sucsessfull that they had to incurr a small fee to cover the web page costs and all the time put into it.

Keep up the good work guys.
Yup, D, J & B, I think the bad press has now been converted to good press and deservedly so. Indeed as Bigguy said Keep up the great work :)
Yeah Bob I know the adds and I know who placed them. For your information.
ps. I should add that no one said you did mention those adds but someone else did. So why the attitude?
No Phil, I didnt but I have brought other lizards from him and am doing so currently.
He had the unblotched blotchy for sale as well.( that I missed)
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