While you're all enjoying the great service of offices around Australia, perhaps its the cold wheather but, the attitude of several people in the Melbourne office is poor at best. They're slow and extremley rude. I think I've had pleasent encounters from one staff member who I always try to 'get', the rest are terrible.
I've also had packages 'thrown' (for lack of a better word) up onto the counter with force that would have to have had animals worth more than the staff members would make in a month, just becasue they're having a **** day (which is seems to be always) they shouldn't treat a package with live animals in it, regardless of the value, like that.
Again, some staff in Melbourne and Sydeny have tried to refuse sending my animals stating the packaing was incorrect, yet I've sent pacakges the same way for years and not had problems. Some consistency would be wonderful.