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how many did u guys send up there cause he only got 2 inlands and 2 coastals there now i know a guy who has more feed back on the place and they wont eat but i think thats the same with all his animals up there
We sent up 2 inlands and 1 coastal. They were great eaters for us, great aniamls. we only sold them cos we blew the engine in the car and needed some quick cash. The coastal won best elapid at the Sth Cst Herp Society Show 2 years ago. Mick is getting back into the elapids now and hopefully will get animals as good as we had before.
We sent up 2 inlands and 1 coastal. They were great eaters for us, great aniamls. we only sold them cos we blew the engine in the car and needed some quick cash. The coastal won best elapid at the Sth Cst Herp Society Show 2 years ago. Mick is getting back into the elapids now and hopefully will get animals as good as we had before.

the taipans stuart douglas has were yearlings, the adults might of i said there were animals that died when i was there, they were just left in the cages.
This is pretty shocking. It seems one of these threads is popping up every week or two now. The sad thing is, all of these threads probably result in no action whatsoever from the authorites that be. Why? My guess is that despite there being numerous replies to these threads, how many people actually ring the authorites and report it, or speak to the owner/manager and demand action be taken or else it will be reported to the authories, as well as animal welfare organisations and the media. The main problem then would be getting the abovementioned to listen, which is unlikely if only one person is reporting the problem. What we need is to form a group, that will, upon seeing undeniable evidence and hearing first hand accounts, collectively begin filing complaints with the relevant authorites, animal welfare organisations and possibly the media, depending on the circumstances. There would need to be at least one person doing all the organizing and a number of people spread over various states and areas that can gather the evidence required to make a formal complaint. Once enough evidence has been gathered, all members of the group should then receive an email with all the facts, any evidence (i.e. photographic or written statements) and all the contact info required for complaints to begin being made (i.e. email addresses and phone numbers for the state's authorites, welfare organisations and possibly local media). The more people in the group, the more complaints are obviously going to be made and the more chance there is of something being done.

Now, i came up with the idea, who wants to take the next step and get it off the ground? I would happily be a member of such a group, but certainly don't have enough time to run the whole thing - not that it would take that much time, really all you would be doing organizing the email that would be sent to the members once a complaint was ready to be made and possibly asking other members to follow up the initial complaints. So if someone feels they have the time to take this up, then please do so. The neglected animals of Australia are calling you!

just ring up and say they are keeping boas with out the right licence and they will be there with bells on....
were u lucky enough to meet stuart douglas??? if so, what did u think of him?

yer i met stuart briefly, he was very nice to me, maybe because he wanted me to work there? but like i said it was only briefly... i mainly spoke to a lady (manager or something i think) I didnt really discuss anything with Stuart (about reps anyway) so wouldnt ave a clue if he knows what hes on about or not, the "guide" however was sure that the night tiger was a form of green tree snake lol
yer i met stuart briefly, he was very nice to me, maybe because he wanted me to work there? but like i said it was only briefly... i mainly spoke to a lady (manager or something i think) I didnt really discuss anything with Stuart (about reps anyway) so wouldnt ave a clue if he knows what hes on about or not, the "guide" however was sure that the night tiger was a form of green tree snake lol

He's always "really nice" to females ;)
It's a skin infection due to unhygenic conditions. It causes scales to die, forming scabs that drop off leaving raw flesh exposed. Not pleasant.

Unhygenic conditions isn't the only way for a snake to contract Necrotising Dermatitis, IMO.

About 12 months ago I bought an adult Port mac and 1 week later it had a severe case of RI. I took it to the vet and had Fortum injections prescribed every three days for five courses. The RI cleared up fine but when the snake sloughed she showed blotches of dermatitis all over her. She wasn't kept in poor/damp conditions either before or after I got her. From the time I had her she was in a new enclosure with newspaper substrate that was being changed daily. The enclosure was not high in humidity either. the guy I bought her from also kept her in good conditions.

She did recover after weeks of Iodine and Silvazine treatment but left some scarring. Not a pleasant thing to have to go through but it is all experience.


PS. Sorry for being off topic ;)
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Have to wonder why if the EPA know about him why are they not doing anything? Well more to the point why are people so cruel not to look after their animals. I am dead set AGAINST cruelty to ANY animal - they all deserve to live.
well aparently epa dont no about half of the stuff he has !!!!!
Have to wonder why if the EPA know about him why are they not doing anything? Well more to the point why are people so cruel not to look after their animals. I am dead set AGAINST cruelty to ANY animal - they all deserve to live.

I’m not going to start making up stories, conspiracy theories and/or just talk smack about Stuart Douglas and his company, but it seems he’s alienated himself now from the reptile community when he has been doing to for so long with Tarantula lovers.

There have been so many threads about Stuart Douglas and his never-ending contrary actions towards Australia’s Bird-Eating spiders, that there is no use starting another or recounting them all. What I will say though, from the outside-looking-in, he seems to be the long lost twin of Raymond Hoser. I mean this guy is “The Spiderman” of Australia if you read the newspapers articles and/or see the news reports and documentaries on TV. For those average-Joe’s not into Tarantulas, they see this guy, much like Raymond Hoser, as a successful guy doing his bit for Australia’s “weird” animals and having the genuine knowledge to know about and work with them. I’m not disputing any of this at all. All I’m saying is these two guys seem to be figure-heads for their respective causes and this is all done through the media or self-promotion with their own books, articles, web-sites and documentaries for example. They seem to be the masters of good promotion and self publicity.

My point is, the EPA obviously gets all these condemning reports from people involved with either snakes or spiders (again I’m not disputing the prejudicial actions of these guys). But then you have to consider that these guys are in the media, writing articles for magazines, involved in with these animals in a commercial sense, have a lot of experience doing it and there are probably just as many kudos given by average-Joe’s watching TV or reading newspapers as there are complaints from people in the respective animal communities. Who are they going to side with?

You also have to keep in mind, in the case of Stuart Douglas, he is the owner of ‘Australian Venom Zoo’ and as a result he’s quite obviously already keyed-in with the government. The government therefore also quite obviously have a high opinion of the guy as his one-off licence to collect and export invert venom (well apparently… But I’m not going to go there) would require some kind-words and references from those involved in the Tarantula community. Are you with me yet?

I think the following though is a good example of how the guy is still in business and keeps the EPA at bay (or so it seems):

“Bio prospector and venomous animal expert Stuart Douglas goes eyeball to eyeball with one of his deadly ‘milking’ tarantulas at his new Australian Venom Zoo at Kuranda Queensland Australia. Douglas is the only contracted collector and exporter of venom from Australian tarantulas, scorpions and centipedes, which are used by United States biopharmaceutical companies in new disease cures currently being tried. Toxin from tarantulas and scorpions may hold the key to cancer and heart disease treatments, once thought most likely to come from the Amazon, but it’s now much more likely the cure could come from Australia.”

I’m not condemning and/or praising anyone here at all. All I’m saying is despite all the threads and calls for these guys to be “axed”, there is a lot of reasons as to why the EPA hasn’t taken them down. In my opinion there’s no one to blame for the lack of action taken (if there needs to be) as the EPA basically has its hands tied behind it’s back.
The EPA is looking into it as much as they can, the problem is only the RSPCA can prosecute under animal cruelty, the EPA can only get him if he breaches his minimum Exhibitor Licence holder requirements.
If anyone gets any proof of illegal / cruel activity they should take it to the EPA / RSPCA preferably with photos or other evidence. The EPA get a huge number of complaints, without any evidence most of them cannot be investigated.
I was there in November 2005. He had only recently opened up and had no snakes at all - only two or three species of Bird-eater, some scorpions and centipedes. No funnelwebs, no redbacks and no snakes. I remember thinking "this guy thinks he knows more than he does". But he let me take a photo of a spectacular centipede, so I was polite.


What is it about keeping reptiles that turns people into attention seeking megalomaniacs with more ego than brains or empathy with their animals?
This guys been a joke for a long time, he made a fool of himself on the invertebrate scene to start with.

The supposed expert who sells animals by their family, be like trying to sell a tiger snake as "an Elapid". In this case it was scorpions and spiders but you get the idea. Unfortunately these people only seem to have to impress during an interview then theyre allowed to do what they want so long as theres no major and obvious breach of their license conditions.

Take the job Maddy, take him down from within his own zoo ;)
I agree with Mr Bredli.

The other thing is, if Stuart Douglas finds out what you've said about him on here, he could litigate. You can't say whatever you want on the internet without someone getting butt-hurt. It bites, but that's how it is.
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