Adventures in snake first aid!

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Mar 13, 2014
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This morning my ex called me in a panic... He had attempted some DIY cage repairs with duct tape (*facepalm*) and his children's python had stuck his head through the hole being covered by duct tape and wrapped himself pretty successfully in the stuff!
so a quick internet search revealed the advice to use cotton buds in olive oil to slowly massage away the tape from the snake.
Two hours later, several bites (I don't blame him at all, I'd bite someone who was pulling my skin and rubbing at me with olive oil) and a very confused toddler looking on, we finally got all the tape off him. He has no obvious damage to his skin. Some slight and very understandable irritation around his lower jaw but that's all.
It was feeding day for the children's python but I have advised the ex not to feed him for a few days to give him some quiet time. We also made sure to put him into a freshly cleaned cage with a couple of hides and water and lined with newspaper.
Is there anything anyone can suggest that we should do to help the little guy? He's been through a really bad day and anything extra that we can do to help him out would be greatly appreciated!
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Sounds like you have it all under control. Just, yeah give him some water keep him warm and make sure where he is, is quiet and dark. Put a towel over his tank leaving one end open so air can still circulate. Leave him be a day or 2 then try feeding as normal :)
He'll be right, had one get caught up in some adhesive velcro outside of his tank, lost a few scales on the back of his head and was fine.
I once was taking my spotty out for a walk. No not like letting it climb on stuff, but I was going for a walk and it was a nice day and took her with me, well she climbed almost under a door and I had to pull her out. She lost quite a few scales on her back and a few just damaged ones, but she was fine too. They are pretty hardy little guys. If it was a gtp I'd be more concerned! :D

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Chondros are just as tough as any other python once they have some size on them, juveniles are delicate though!
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