Advice please: My stimpson scale are burnt

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Not so new Member
Apr 18, 2005
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Hi all,

I need help to cure the stimpson burnt skin. I just noticed his belly was burnt lastnight. The cause of the burnt is I have been putting him in the enclosure with heated matt connected to temperature control set up on 30C. He was in an out of the cage where the heated mat was placed under gravels regurlarly.

He has not been eating for 3 months and did not even seem show any interest when I put a life mouse in. So I put him now in the other enclosure without heated mat and hoping he'll get better.

The question: Is there any oitment can be applied to his skin to help the skin to recover?

Any advice will be appreciated.

Thanks heaps
What did you use to measure the temp? At 30C you would not have a problem with burns.Might be wise to give live feeding a miss also.
there is a cream called silverzine its not sold over the counter its from your vet,its used in 3rd degree burns on humans ive used it for years on my herps and it works wonders does not leave any scars unlike betadine which also works but not as good( for anyone else intrested its great for scale rot ) if you know a nurse you can get it for free from the hospital like me
put up pictures of the burns ..depending on the severity of the burns you may need vet advice too.
Ok, I'll try to take some pics.
I am not sure how it get burn. Maybe cause by something else.

Thanks a lot for the advise.
Have you used a thermometer to check the acual temp at the hot end of the enclosure? If the thermo is set to 30C, depending where the probe is, your snake's hide may only be 25-27C which would explain why it's not eating.

Burns at that temp are extremely unlikely - it's not even as hot as bath water. I would get a vet's opinion on what is wrong with your snake.

For future heating... Putting a tile over the heat mat is good for conducting heat evenly, then you can bump the temps up a bit so the hot end gets up to 33C-ish. We moved our Stimmie to a new enclosure and the heat cord was only bringing her hot spot up to about 28C and she wasn't eating. We got a hotter heat cord bringing the hot end to about 34C and she started eating again about 3 days later.
My guess is the substrate was retaining the heat and pierce the skin.
He is shedding at the moment.


  • stimson burned skin.jpg
    stimson burned skin.jpg
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mate that looks very nasty need to seek a good reptile vet asap ...poor thing :(
its a possibility that is is scale rot, but not sure[, it was in an outside enclosure, and the heat mat was constantly on, there is some sign of bleeding, and that is where the substrate has stuck. I was considering placing him in a warm bath
did you say the heat mat was only under the gravel? the heat mat should also be under the tank and on a thermostat, they get extremely hot and if the snake burrowed under neath and got on top of the heat mat it could have been burnt quite easily!
the heat mat was under the glass bottom of the tank, which in turn was covered by the substrate. the substrate was only a tempory substrate, not the normal one I use.
Ok, I'll take him to the vet soon. Does put him in warm bath will help or make it worse?
trust me mate try the silverzine cream it works like magic ive kept herps for many years and also looked after wild injured herps and it amazine what it does and it also has a local in it to help with pain that is why you cant get it over the counter your local vet will have it but its not cheap for its size
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