Advice please....

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2012
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Im starting to worry my coastal (15mths old) will never settle down. He has always been a jumpy , strikey little fella but is that just him? is it possible that he will calm with age? ive had him since he used toilet rolls for a hide lol and he often hisses, strikes etc. I lifted his hide off to get him out thismorning and he puffed up hissing for his dear life so i backed off waited for him to climb up onto his branches then grabbed him but yeah he never leaves his enclosure willingly. I am not even going to try removing him from his hide again he is far easier to remove from his log....sometimes lol. I know when in shed mode not to even go there but even when he isnt he is far from calm. I dont want a HUGE snake that i cant handle :? your thoughts? anyone had a similar situation? any advice appreciated.
For me when my Coastals reach a certain size (4 feet 0r 1.5 meters I think the meter measurement is right) and sexually mature, they seem to think all is well with the world. Until then...... I have a pair of young red Coastals I held back that think I am a giant invading their enclosures! Patience and a glove if needed. With my adults I use a snake hook then transfer to my hands, they love getting on the hook cause they know they are getting out. I take into consideration if they are in shed or close to feeding day etc.
thanks for that :) he trys to escape when we reach in for him from his log but i can handle that...super annoying though. He wraps around the log and vines so much so that i often shut the enclosure and walk away. I guess i shall keep trying and little by little he hopefully will improve.
Most eventually calm down, some are born calm others want to kill you forever.
He might improve, might not. It's gonna be years before he's a big snake, and besides, the big angry ones are always the most fun to deal with.
the breeder who sold him to me grabbed his father out for me to hold he was HUGE and calm....hadnt been out in 5mths! but handled well. I was told i couldnt hold the mother because she was a b!tch lol apparently she was nasty. I guess at the end of the day he is just scared and trying to defend himself....time will tell.
how long have you had him?
when i got my coastal it only took roughly a month to get her used to me, all i did was take her out for a couple of minutes each day and sat her on my hands an let her cruise around and also when getting the out the cage i use a snake hook they dont seem to stress as much lol try to catch him when he's on the cool side he'll be a bit slower an hopefully easier to get out
how long have you had him

It will be a year next mth, i thought he would be used to me by now but in saying that he has spent the summer in an outdoor enclosure....i swear he got more moody out there. He thrived but liked his space and of course he didnt see us as much. Like i said before though he has been a little edgy from day dot.
some snakes never calm down, i have 3 bredli, the 6 yr old male and 5 year old female are placid, teh other 5 year old female, sister to the nice one is the most agressive thing i have ever dealt with, even changing her water is a challenge,....i tried extra handling, no handling, extra food, out of cage feeding, in cage feeding, offering aviary time etc, she loves aviary time and out time, but will never miss an opportunity to try and kill me.
so ive accepted her for what she is and im extra cautious, i dont show fear/back off, but i use hooks and towels to move her when she needs moving.
the aggressive one was aggressive since hatchy age, but has become continually worse. Snakes bite, i knew thats what they did when i bought her....

my advice, offer her a towel to sink her teeth into, once her mouth is full theres a few moments where you can get her out till shes letting go and searching for flesh. :p
wow Chris Gorgoos not that bad lol yet. I can put my hand in above him to turn his fluro day light on and change his newspaper and water without a problem (apart from when he is in shed mode) but in saying that sometimes i catch him starring me out lol almost looking like he wants to strike me - more than likely just being curious though. Thanks for all the advice :)
I'm no expert but I would reccomend not trying to get him out of his hide or lifting his hide to check on him. The snake needs to feel safe there and if he has no where he can hide in his enclosure safely then he would most likely be more aggressive. Just my personal opinion. Good luck!
Hi there, I need help please.... my Darwin Albino has not eaten for over 6 wks normally a great feeder, temp is ok not due to shed... but i believe he may have mites.... he has been quite active and trying to soak in his water bowl. Now i need the quickest and most effective way to treat these mites... i have other animals but only one snake. I am worried about him as he is only a year old and not sure the best way to get rid of these varmits.... HELP
lol ^ you might want to make Your Own thread in herp help

how do you know he has mites? do you see little black dots in his waterbowl?,is he soaking in waterbowl heaps?
if its mites you will have to take everything out and disinfect and spray the enclosure with tod
ok so not seen any but just the fact he is not eating atall..... been in the bowl more than a couple of times a day..... never used to..... temp ok , not due to shed... i dont know why else he is not this was a guess....
lol sorry have no clue about mites, havent had 2 deal with them yet.

Rob yeah im def not going to disturb him in the hide again but even before when i went to grab him off his top log he struck at me hissing like a demon! :twisted: lol i gently shut his doors and walked away *sigh* i could handle having him just to look at but would really like to be able to handle him! He is may be about to go into shed mode but i usually know if thats the case. Problem now is that im becoming scared of him :oops: apparently im being a pussy lol my 16 yr old sons words not mine but yeah....he is freaking me out more everyday.
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