Agro coastal please help!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2008
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Port Macqaire NSW
my 9 month old coastal is now agro he attacks me when i stick my hand in his enclosure he wont come out of his hide to bask or anything and i wanted to move his hide up below the light so he will bask because where he has his hide now is only 20 degrees and if he does not heat his body up cant he get sick.where i wanted to move his hide was 32 degrees and at the very bottom of the enclosure its only 17 degrees. this only started to happen when i moved him in to his new enclosure on sunday and i fed him after and he took it happly . his enclosure is 4 foot high by 2 foot accross and 2 foot deep,i had it made my dickyknee and it was made very well before that he had a 2 foot accross enclosure and 1 half foot deep and high.
i dont know what to do because my mum wants me to sell the 2 foot one and somone wants to buy it and i dont want to have to sell the 2 foot one tanke hime out of the 4 foot one and put him in a click clack.
Is he coming up to a shed? Calm down, he will be fine.
Give him a few hides at different temperatures so he can chose. They dont have to be works of art, old cardboard boxes are fine.
He's probably just adjusting to his new enclosure. There's only ever to reasons for a change in bahaviour (that I've observed): The snake is sick, or a change in environment.
Since it was fine until it was moved, then it's probably just the enviroment. Give it some time to adjust, it'll be fine.
well a few people told me its a to big of a 9 month old hes around 2 foot long and dickyknee said it should be fine for him
I prob would of thought it was to big, and would of kept in a click clack but I guess coastals would be bigger by that age then a bredli.
heres some picks of enclosures white ones are 4 foot high by 2 foot across and 2 foot deep
brown timber one is 2 foot across 1 half foot high and 1 half foot deep
if that helps
there are also the temps of the areas in the white one


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i just got my 18mth old coastal from a friend two sundays ago.Previously he was in a 5litre click-clack for the 18mth of his life..Now hes in a much bigger enclosure n yes hes agro..a freind said hes just being -'cage-protective' but will settle down..not immediately, it will take time..
He will be in that 'double-S' position, waiting to strike at any movement even the glass enclosure..
i just carried on with my daily activities cos imo my snake should get adjusted to me n not the other way round..He has calmed down now, knowing that all the ruckus around the house is of no threat to him..have even managed to get him out with no biting now...

Give ur snake some time to settle n hel be ok.. good luck!
My coastal is nearing 2 and she never misses a feed not even after she got moved from a click clack to her first home which is a an exo terrarium and then into the 4ft long enclosure. Yes she hid for a few days but she never knockedback her food. She also never got into a s strike pose nor tried to bite me. So am very lucky. Just relax and if he doesn't accept the feed wait two more days and try again.
Mrillusion - Do you remember the procedure you used when you first brought your snake home? You need to do it all over again...this is not an issue...

Let him settle again, without you annoying him. It is a large enclosure, but that can be solved with LOTS of hides, easy. Give him a week or two then try and feed him, if he doesn't take it wait a week and try again...

It's easy - just don't stress - he will settle back down in no time...
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