ahh help needed :S

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Yeah I never get the chance to even take my eyes off mine when they're out, and the lizards almost never come out, cause they run... having 4 cats in the house really teaches you to watch stuff... I'm waiting for the day that I'll haveto watch the CATS safety instead of the pythons. hehe it's bound to get interesting then

yeah i am hearing you we have the same thing watchtowers haha my misses on one side of lounge me on the other and our 6 yr old at the door in case there is a cat we cant find in the house to put outside..... and i am also waiting for the day i need the cats safety instead of the snakes
yeah i am hearing you we have the same thing watchtowers haha my misses on one side of lounge me on the other and our 6 yr old at the door in case there is a cat we cant find in the house to put outside..... and i am also waiting for the day i need the cats safety instead of the snakes

LOL I constantly do cat checks, go around and see where they all are so I'm not suprised by one popping out of no where, they're pretty well behaved though, seem to be more cautios of them like they know they mean danger, never come rushing at them (the pythons are never out of a persons hands or off someones body) they know they're not allowed to have them too, as long as someones watching them they don't try anything, but I'll never trust them around them
If your snake is in the couch (yet you know not where) & you're cutting up said couch.........I hope the cutting tool doesn't meet your snake.......be very careful. Good luck.
It is probley in a smallest areas of the couch. good luck

To the people who have nothing helpful to say and are just bragging on about how bad of a keeper she is shutup! Do you know her No!
If you have nothing helpful to say don’t post anything its common sense!
do you have aircon near where the couch is?
you could try cranking that up, and he might come out looking for a warmer place to hide....
Guys she has made a mistake and admitted it and is know asking for help to fix it what more can she do? Accidents happen, help her instead of flaming. That's what the site is for tho learn from each other. What would you rather her do? Leave it to die, because of the fear of ridicule just for asking for help?
Go through the search and find how many reps are lost etc through similiar incidents..if thats the case do a thread on how to find a lost snake ...like I said its all good to admit you have made a mistake its part of being human ..but as we are of the most highest in animals ..humans should learn from their mistakes ..this is not her first time of losing a rep nor is she new to the hobby ...6 years as she quoted is not a beginner in my books and so should definantly have known the risks when having reptiles out of their enclosures...your welcome to offer your advise but I am also able to say it as it is ...I never named called or abused her ..just pointed out the obvious that alot of people on here are afraid to say for fear of offending the person ...like I said all humans make mistakes ,but as humans we are also able to realise and admit it ..not start a thread 'DONT ASK ME HOW" we all knew how it got lost and it wasnt the snakes fault .
if you can't find it in the couch, you need to go back to where the couch was and stand there and survey the area, go through a list... where was the couch?

if it didn't stay in the couch, where could it have possible gone? is there anywhere you think it might JUST fit? (they tend to like to hide in tight spaces)... anywhere it could have gotten into the wall? or outside? how would you coax the little guy out of a hiding place? (you said it had just eaten, though snakes are oppertunistic I think? so if it's not an increddibly easily frigtened snake it just might come out if it smells more foodz)

Good luck with it, as watchfull as I haveto be about mine I've almost had a scare or two.
thanks guys :), and for anyone who wants to know the whole story, i was siting on the lounge with the snake in my hands and did not relise he managed to hook his head in between the cusions, he did the bolt and i didnt want to just rip him out incase it ripped his scales up but before i had time to think what else to do he had gone in behind the cusions. i didnt worry much at this point as i thorght the lounge was tottaly sealed, but apparently not. he managed to find the tinyest of holes and went down it, and the more i tryed to grab him the faster he tried to get away and then poof he was gone.

i only cut it then ripped the rest to avoid a stabbing.

and thanx i turned the heat off (starting to get cold:) )

ive looked everywhere around where the couch is, but i will do a more thorough search

i only have a really big 5 ft heat mat.. anyone got any suggestions of something small that i can put in from around the house. like a hot water bottle or something to attract him. ???

thanks for the help everyone. well most.
hey guys,
dont ask how.. but my little 8 mnth carpet has slipped inside my lounge.. .

sorry , but I have to ask, HOW did it get in there? Did you see it go in the lounge? are you sure it's still in there while your writing on the computer? Be very careful with what your cutting :( It may be time for a few locks for your enclosures

Ha, you posted while I was typing :D

if it was mine I'd carefully dismantle the lounge starting at one end, it may be better than loosing it altogether :(
you must be having a bad day rbb, or do you think mis-devious slept with your husband? 'cause it sure looks like you hate her guts.
One of my rats disappeared into the lounge one day, my husband's answer was to leave the cats in because it's a pretty expensive leather lounge and he didn't want me to cut it up. I ended up turning it upside down and removing all the lining from underneath then I had to sit and wait till I heard it scratching as it moved around took half an hour to find him, I guess that doesn't help with a snake though.
you must be having a bad day rbb, or do you think mis-devious slept with your husband? 'cause it sure looks like you hate her guts.

what part of the thread are you reading that looks any where near rbb hates her ....and what sort of call was that slept with her husband ??......rbb simply stated that you need to keep a watchful eye on your critters.......and learn if it has happened before from your mistakes....

i hope you find your little snake if you only have a heat mat to attract it maybe try a desk lamp that may help lure him out to source heat good luck
Good luck with it, i hope you find it. And dont worry i wont try and crusify you over it. I heard of worse things. Atleast you didn't fall asleep with a snake and it got away.
Ouch @ this topic lol.

I hope you find your snake soon, get the room nice and cold and place a hide over a heatsource near the opening where he got in.

As for the rest of this topic, I've lost a Blonde Mac before due to stupidity and not realizing he could escape through the tiny tiny gap in the sliding doors of the enclosure... but it won't happen again because I've learnt from my mistakes.

Hopefully this is the last time you lose a reptile.

Good luck.
Yup. our MD girl did JUST the same thing....... brand new 2000 dollar three piece lounge suite, and she slipped into one of the recliners! Ended up having to rip the whole back off it to get to her!!!!!
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