Albino Darwin 'scared' of new snake?

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Aug 16, 2018
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Hey guys,

I recently purchased a big water python who has been great. Problem is, my albino darwin has been going nuts since the newcomer arrived. They have separate tanks but the newcomer is on a lower level as its a floor to ceiling type set up with three big glass tanks. Anyway, the albino has missed a feed and is 2 weeks overdue now. I wash my hands after handling the water python but i think the albino may still be 'smelling' the larger python. I tested my theory and on nights where i dont handle the water python and I just handle the albino, the albino is calm and cool.. I've never heard of this phenomenon so would appreciate any advice. At the moment I have put my albino into a tub, in a separate room with a cover over the tub so she can calm down til the weekend when I try to feed again. She is in great health otherwise and has never missed a feed, even when she's coming upto shed. Temps are good as we are in FNQ. Anyone got any advice?
Wish I could help, but you’ll have to wait for someone with more knowledge, sounds like you’re doing the right thing to keep them separated for now.
I quarantined my new female ( children’s python) for 6 mths before adding to my rack & the large female went a bit berko every time I got the newbie out to handle, seems fine now though, been 2 months on and doesn’t care at all
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My olive Python goes berko every time i introduce a new python to the room. He trashes his enclosure. thrashing about and sending substrate flying, shitting and gets all cage defensive. lasts about 3 or 4 days.
i didn't think this is normal behavior. He is only a young fella. after his tantrum when i handle him he just freezes like stone when i pass his new neighbors..

Could this really be normal behavior? or isolated to limited individual's??

i have not kept pythons long enough to make that judgement.

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My adult Bredli couldn’t care less about yearling Diamond or baby Jungle, Diamond has no interest in Bredli and mild curiosity about Jungle while Jungle is extremely curious about the other two.
It's breeding season and that may have something to do with it?
Mature snakes can go off their food for months at this time of the year, so don't worry too much if one misses a feed or several. Unless it has been 6 or more months (I have heard of Carpet Pythons going 8 months to one year without food) then maybe take it to a vet. Your Albino may just be upset that another male is in his vicinity or getting a little frisky because he can smell a female in his vicinity?
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