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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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So this stupid chick was trying to tell me last night she had a albino diamond python, i seriously laughed in her face, apparently she had bought it from America to top it off, being the lovely lady i am i asked her if it was a carpet or a Darwin, nope still saying it was a diamond, then i asked if it was a ball, retic, burm or corn (since it apparently came from America) but no, on all the "papers" it said it was a diamond, and when she did the washing up at home it would come out of tank, crawl up her leg and wrap around her with its head on her shoulder. I lost it then in a laughing fit.. My friend (who's friend this was) was telling me to be nice because i hate it when stupid people try and correct me on what i all ready know

Anywayyyy, whats some bull you've been told by someone that u knew was a complete load of manure
Last sat i saw 3 green tree snakes at my mums netball. Some last was trying to tell me they were olive pythons.
I constantly hear that python cross with vens ( always the most dangerous well-known ven). It is also amazing how hostile the story teller can get when you question why the museums don't have the said hybrids within their collections.
i still love the story that everyone tell me about a friend of a friend who lets their python sleep in bed with them, when it stopped eating they took it to the vet and the vet said it was sizing her up to eat her :p i love it when people try to tell me to be careful that my snakes dont get out because they might try to eat me :p
I get that too..
"ohh yukk how can u have snakes in your house what happens when they get out and try and eat you!"

does my head in
I had someone try to sell me an albino children's python for $500, I laughed and said bull. Anyway I thought I would take a look at it because he kept asking me to at least take a look, so I did. It turned out to be an albino corn snake. I was there for a total of 2 minutes, walked in the door, saw it, laughed (very loud), told him he's an idiot and left.
i still love the story that everyone tell me about a friend of a friend who lets their python sleep in bed with them, when it stopped eating they took it to the vet and the vet said it was sizing her up to eat her :p i love it when people try to tell me to be careful that my snakes dont get out because they might try to eat me :p

My hairdresser tried to tell me this story yesterday, with a "do you think its true?!" after i stopped laughing I said no. She looked at me then and asked "how big is your snake going to get?" (getting a Stimmie!) "not to big at all!" she was then "oh ok. could she still try to size you up and eat you?"...............
i still love the story that everyone tell me about a friend of a friend who lets their python sleep in bed with them, when it stopped eating they took it to the vet and the vet said it was sizing her up to eat her :p i love it when people try to tell me to be careful that my snakes dont get out because they might try to eat me :p

One student teacher at my school after finding out about me owning a snake and reptiles began telling me this story, After she started I said "Does this involve your "friends friend" having the snake starve itself and stretch out next to the owner each night and then it being taken to the vet only to find out it was "measuring and starving itself to see if it could eat her" ? " She was amazed and thought I knew the person or I was psychic.. I heard the exact same story at a family gathering and promptly told them that it was a false story that every tom dick and harry seems to tell... I'm amazed at how easily people believe these stories without doing a simple "Google" because I've done it and it came up with hits from all over the world with the same story haha
One student teacher at my school after finding out about me owning a snake and reptiles began telling me this story, After she started I said "Does this involve your "friends friend" having the snake starve itself and stretch out next to the owner each night and then it being taken to the vet only to find out it was "measuring and starving itself to see if it could eat her" ? " She was amazed and thought I knew the person or I was psychic.. I heard the exact same story at a family gathering and promptly told them that it was a false story that every tom dick and harry seems to tell... I'm amazed at how easily people believe these stories without doing a simple "Google" because I've done it and it came up with hits from all over the world with the same story haha

It's funny how people think that just because a story has been repeatedly told for years that it must be true... where's their logic??? I've had at least 6 people tell me that story and some people get very angry when you inform them it's false.

The other week we were at the 50th of a family friend, and a lady was telling us about her friend that had a snake that apparently got 'jealous' of her baby. I informed her that snakes don't have the ability to feel jealous and she didn't like that. If people don't want to look stupid they should be do their homework first.
I constantly hear that python cross with vens ( always the most dangerous well-known ven). It is also amazing how hostile the story teller can get when you question why the museums don't have the said hybrids within their collections.
That was an argument I had quite a lot when I lived in Northern NSW.
I had some lady try to tell me that where she came from in the US she knew someone who bred Rattlesnakes with Rat Snakes and produced extreemely reare venomous Rat Snakes. I told her to pull the other one!

Also I have had many people try to tell me that good old story about how they have a friend who has a friend who's auntie's uncle had pet catrpet python and one day it was laying next to him and streching out beside him so he took it to the vet and the vet told this friend of a friend's auntie's uncle that the snake was sizing him up because it wanted to eat him!

What a load of baloney!
Everytime someone tries to tell me that story I go "Oh not that one I've heard it so many times, the stupid one about the snake measuring up its owner, just an urban legend" The person usually mutters something like "Disrespectful kid what would you know"
I feel like muttering back "Stupid bogan Im surprised you even know what a snake is"
I once had someone tell me that if you toss a snake on the fire it will grow legs and run away. :lol:
You sure they hadnt drunken some funny pond water before they told you that story?

No, but they where serious and even after I laughed at them and told them it wasn't true, one of them was sure it was as her uncle had told her it was and he had seen it done.
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