Am I overfeeding?

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Gold Coast
Hey everyone :)

my stimmy has recently been changed from pinky mice onto fuzzy mice with no hassle.
he was getting 1 x pinky a week, sometimes 2 if they were really small
now he is getting 1 x fuzzy a week but because they are bigger however im worried 1 a week is too much, so i was thinking about just feeding him 1 x fuzzy every two weeks?

oh, he is 40 cm long and 10 (almost 11) months old...
Every 7 days should be fine. Is he going to the loo before you feed him again?
awesome :D and kurto - yeh he is
i just wanted to check i wasnt feeding him too much
Seems way to little for his age and size, he should easily be on pink rats or bigger by now.
I would have said weaner mice or velvet rats, but there is no set rule.
My 11 month old Childrens gets a small adult mouse every 4-5 days and is growing well. She is 55cm, not getting fat
My childrens is 11 months old, 55cm, She has a small adult mouse every 4-5 days and growing well. She doesnt seem to get fat
I think thats fine. Is one weaner mouse per week for two 24month old spotteds ok? (male is about 50cms long and female about 65- 70cms). The vet sadi they are in perfect condition.
I have a few 11 month old stimmies that are around the 50cm mark, they are all eating adult mice or weaner rats every 5-7 days. Definatly bump up the food size.
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