Hi everyone,
I would like some advice regarding the enclosure for my beautiful Jungle Python, Jewels, she is just over 18 months old. The enclosure dimensions are L90 x W60 x H120 cm. Currently, I have a 100w heat lamp connected to an on/off thermostat. The temperatures in the hot end range from around 22-25°C according to the thermometer, but sometimes it drops down to 18-19°C overnight. The cool end sits at around 18-23°C.
I did talk to the reptile store, and they told me that a 100w heat lamp should be sufficient, and say an on/off thermostat is fine, but I'm not convinced, I think a 150w heat lamp may be needed. The heat lamp also never turns off as it never gets up to the set temp, and the thermometer, placed in the cool end, is set to 26°C.
Another concern is that Jewels hasn't done a proper poop in almost 4 weeks, which is starting to worry me, she is fed a fuzzy rat weekly.
What does everyone think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I would like some advice regarding the enclosure for my beautiful Jungle Python, Jewels, she is just over 18 months old. The enclosure dimensions are L90 x W60 x H120 cm. Currently, I have a 100w heat lamp connected to an on/off thermostat. The temperatures in the hot end range from around 22-25°C according to the thermometer, but sometimes it drops down to 18-19°C overnight. The cool end sits at around 18-23°C.
I did talk to the reptile store, and they told me that a 100w heat lamp should be sufficient, and say an on/off thermostat is fine, but I'm not convinced, I think a 150w heat lamp may be needed. The heat lamp also never turns off as it never gets up to the set temp, and the thermometer, placed in the cool end, is set to 26°C.
Another concern is that Jewels hasn't done a proper poop in almost 4 weeks, which is starting to worry me, she is fed a fuzzy rat weekly.
What does everyone think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!