Having been privileges enough to work with these animals up in Queensland on a daily basis i can understand how people would resent the idea about having crocodiles around, however, a few points of opinion:
1 to compare removing a tiapan from your house to removing crocs from a river is frankly stupid, if i had a crocodile in my living room than your argument may have more validity, maybe saying having to remove a tiapan from the back paddock would be more accurate,
2 on average a crocodile thrives on 1 gram of food per kilo of body weight (under natural conditions, yes, they do on occasion kill and eat people, but there is no way they would choose people over other food, a 4 meter croc has a stomach the size of a basket ball, eating 2 mud crabs or half a wallaby takes alot less effort than a 6ft man, so yes be careful, but crocs will never choose people over other food.
3 the argument that crocodiles have reached pre hunting levels and are moving into new areas, they have had 280 million years to disapate, any place on earth suitable for crocodilians already had them in one form or another, these "new areas" are generaly areas crocodiles have not been since since shooting and are returning, not spreading, also, being an apex preditior they can never over populate, otherwise food would simply disapear, one big reach is their sucses rate (roughly 1 in 50, the other is the canabilism rate (in some areas up to 30% of a crocs diet is smaller crocodiels