Any police officers in the house??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
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Just wondering if there is anybody that has done the justice in administration short course to prepare you for the police academy?? I'm thinking about doing it so thought i would ask around to see if anyone has done it..:D
Hey my mum did it =] she got in before she got the diploma though. It really helps you get in and if you go in on Saturdays it makes it go a lot quicker
Hope you have a strong stomach,I know some of the training that the rookies go through
Its not really anything I can go into too much detail,especially on a public forum,but you get shown every part of police work.Even the gruesome side
yea i would expect that, they would want you as prepared as possible.
When I finish school at the end of this I'm gonna go do that course then apply for the police force. Have been keen on the career for a while now and I'm commited to it now. And with Anna Bligh boost police recruiting numbers and a pay increase it ever more becoming reality for me. I'm excited to go to academy and join the force
They try to take people around 25, not straight out of school. They want people with a little life experience. My mum said the worst part was the pepper spray otherwise just the sergeants yelling at you and abusing you while your trying to do fire arms (pressure situation). You just have to be really motivated and study hard and you'll breeze through. I'm talking about qld as well btw
Thanks Jazz, yea i am in Qld so will be going to the Brisbane 1, its something i have wanted to do for a while so i think i will do well at it.
Yeah my mum was 38 when she went in and she's only a first yr constable now. She absolutely loves it!! Definitely recommend the course and boot camp and you'll do great! Everything was challenging but if you enjoy it and if it's what you want to do then it'll be well worth the grief.
I'm doing a year of the tafe course and during that year I'm taking a 20 day trip to Tanzania through I youth group which will help with a bit of life experience. At the worst I might finish the tafe course and apply and get told to come back next year.I'll do fine at academy being fit and motivated to get in and do things and being able to persevere .The police force is the career that suits me so that's where I'm going
I think cops do a great job, I know a couple at different levels. It not job I would want. Best of luck if you decide it's what you want to do.
It not job I would want. Best of luck if you decide it's what you want to do.

As Abnrml says. I think it would be a very difficult job. I know one cop in Queensland about two or three years into the job who loves her work. Another friend spent around a decade in the force and has now moved on to another career.
I'm doing a year of the tafe course and during that year I'm taking a 20 day trip to Tanzania through I youth group which will help with a bit of life experience. At the worst I might finish the tafe course and apply and get told to come back next year.I'll do fine at academy being fit and motivated to get in and do things and being able to persevere .The police force is the career that suits me so that's where I'm going
Yeah that's what they love! If you do the course the op recommended as well and maybe work full time for the year you do it they will be a lot more likely to accept you =] it really depends how many recruits are going in though... If there's not many they will take almost anyone (really makes me feel safe) or if it was like my mums year you will have had to have done the course and be super fit to get in. Best luck with it though! If I wasn't doing my degree I would seriously consider it seeing how much my mum loves it. Something new and challenging every day.
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dodging bullets for a living great sign me up
Yeah that's what they love! If you do the course the op recommended as well and maybe work full time for the year you do it they will be a lot more likely to accept you =] it really depends how many recruits are going in though... If there's not many they will take almost anyone (really makes me feel safe) or if it was like my mums year you will have had to have done the course and be super fit to get in. Best luck with it though! If I wasn't doing my degree I would seriously consider it seeing how much my mum loves it. Something new and challenging every day.
well now with the boost in recruit numbers there is a much higher chance I'll be accepted. I think the recruiting agent from 45 at a time to about 140 or so. So I'm liking my hopes. And my plans are to work during my year of studies
I'm lucky i only have to do the 240 hour short course because i have worked for over 5 years.. so I'm happy :)
Hey there to all you budding coppers! I've been in the job in Queensland for over 35 years so I only have a few years to go before I pull the pin. But let me tell you those years have been the most challenging, rewarding, difficult yet best years of my life. I've been shot at three times, stabbed twice and worked pretty much all over this great state we call Queensland and I wouldn't have changed a minute of it. Even pulling dead people from car wrecks or trying to save some idiot's life who is bleeding all over the place is worth it. You'll get abused, spat on, people try and fight you for no reason other than the uniform you'll be wearing or badge you'll be holding - yet at the end of the shift when you're packing up to go home (maybe after working a few hours overtime), you'll look back on it all and remember why you joined in the first place - to help our fellow citizens! If you're joining to get all macho and wear a gun and pull down authority on those who can't properly respond then don't even think about the job I love. If you're doing it for the greater love of mankind and the fact that the vast majority of people are good and honest and great people and you just want to help keep that balance - then do it with my blessing! A quick tip - before you think about joining - get really fit, do the beep test every time you get a chance and get your fitness up way over what you need. Also go online and download some cognitive reasoning tests... they will help you no end! Happy to chat in priv or PM me for more! Good luck, might work with you here in the north one day perhaps!!!
My old man is an Ex Det. Sgt. he hates the force now because it's weak. I tend to agree, if you ask the cops to do something they aren't staunch enough to get the job done these days, unless it's handing out ridiculous tickets.

Hopefully you can be a minority, and actually be worth ringing if someone needs to be sat on their *** and arrested for something. Good luck :D
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