Well-Known Member
G'day all,
I'm not actually sure if this is a true legless lizard, or a skink. Hope someone can identify from the photos (very sorry about quality - using phone camera).
Found him under a pile of old fan-leafed palm fronds right near a road, so I decided I'd relocate him. First though, I gave him a careful squirt of Repti-Guard mite spray, then put him in my empty cage designed for centrals (I replaced the normal heat lamp with infra red one - good idea?). Also, I was thinking about worming him, but I'd rather hear any advice on this matter before I do. Any help there???
Anyway, he managed to disappear pretty quickly down under the bit of fake turf I have in there, to the point where we gave up searching, and decided he could stay there for a while and we'd feed him up before we released him.
Btw, I don't feel bad doing this as I live in the middle of dog-, cat-, and crow-infested suburbia, and his chances of a naturally long life here were very slim, considering I'd just thrown his home into the wheelie bin.
Anyway, I know that there were plenty of little woodies breeding under the fake turf - would he be eating these? I know he's still in the cage, because we occasionally hear him, and even less occasionally see him rummaging around. I gave him a spray/mist of rainwater when I saw him today, but he just went back under his fake turf.
He's a very cool little dude! He's got a lovely little grin on his chops, and the way he moves is extraordinary - kind of like a cross between a snake's slither and a wobbly bluey run. Hard to hold!
Anyway, does anyone have any experience with this kind of lizard? Will he eat crickets and mealies and veg too? I'm not going to keep him long, but I'd like to see him healthy, which will probably be a couple of weeks.
Thanks in advance for any help,
I'm not actually sure if this is a true legless lizard, or a skink. Hope someone can identify from the photos (very sorry about quality - using phone camera).
Found him under a pile of old fan-leafed palm fronds right near a road, so I decided I'd relocate him. First though, I gave him a careful squirt of Repti-Guard mite spray, then put him in my empty cage designed for centrals (I replaced the normal heat lamp with infra red one - good idea?). Also, I was thinking about worming him, but I'd rather hear any advice on this matter before I do. Any help there???
Anyway, he managed to disappear pretty quickly down under the bit of fake turf I have in there, to the point where we gave up searching, and decided he could stay there for a while and we'd feed him up before we released him.
Btw, I don't feel bad doing this as I live in the middle of dog-, cat-, and crow-infested suburbia, and his chances of a naturally long life here were very slim, considering I'd just thrown his home into the wheelie bin.
Anyway, I know that there were plenty of little woodies breeding under the fake turf - would he be eating these? I know he's still in the cage, because we occasionally hear him, and even less occasionally see him rummaging around. I gave him a spray/mist of rainwater when I saw him today, but he just went back under his fake turf.
He's a very cool little dude! He's got a lovely little grin on his chops, and the way he moves is extraordinary - kind of like a cross between a snake's slither and a wobbly bluey run. Hard to hold!
Anyway, does anyone have any experience with this kind of lizard? Will he eat crickets and mealies and veg too? I'm not going to keep him long, but I'd like to see him healthy, which will probably be a couple of weeks.
Thanks in advance for any help,