APS Poetry Competition Thread

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Sinuous and silent
She moves through the world
Slow, deliberate breaths
The barely perceptible shift of scales
as she glides
Her form of smooth and fluid strength
Limbless, she climbs with ease.

Such equisite beauty
Each scale crafted of pure perfection
Hated only by those ignorant enough to close their eyes
To such terrible beauty
It's over. Thanks all for your input and phenomenal entries. The talent shown is nothing short of spectacular.

The mods will vote and announce the three winners in the next couple of days
A massive thanks again to all who participated, you did not make it easy on us at all, we even had to allocated another Calendar because it was just too close to call. The winning poems below are in no particular order of winning but stood out to the Admin and Mod Team.

Bluetongue1, longqi, Gundeman and tickerbox, could you please PM me your addresses for us to send the Calendars to.

Congrats to the Winners and thanks again for all your submissions.


Gauntly wreathed in drying writhe
beside the hole behind the door
opaquely dull transparency
armless caricature

Whisperings of innocence
mutely left behind
cast-off husk of emptiness
host no longer blind

In winters sun colours run
bejewelled bedecked in fear
shining apparition glides
to quietly disappear

Having read most of the latter half the thread, I am not sure why I am bothering. The message is important however, even if the poetry sux… the need to keep working on changing attitudes!

Sinuous beauty so gracefully glides,
Adored by some, by others reviled.
Breathless enchantment in multitudinous forms
Maligned and maltreated by those ill-informed.
The Gordian Knot would be easier solved
Than this riddle of life lacking resolve
One can but try to the limit of one’s skill
To engender an outlook that lacks the word kill
To remind other mortals we’re a piece of the plan
That Mother Nature created, not solely for man.


The Tiger Snake
The tiger snake, who lives down under,
can't hear birdsong, frogs or thunder,
she can't blink, and she can't talk,
she can't fly, and she can't walk.
But nonetheless this wondrous beast
can make a rat into a feast,
as well as frogs and birds and fishes,
and lizards also if she wishes.
As she can slither, she can climb,
and even swim in summer time.
With neither hand or foot or paw,
with neither fin, nor fur or claw,
this snake will search for smaller prey,
on any warm or sunny day.
Her long forked tongue is like a brush,
to taste the air. There is no rush,
the patient snake's an expert tracker,
but wary that things might attack her.
She's careful, quiet, alert and steady,
and she is always at the ready
for friend or foe around the corner
her sense of taste and smell should warn her.
Snakes have backbone, heart and spleen,
intestines, stomach, eyes so keen,
they're fragile, frightened, careful creatures,
but Tiger snakes have other features
which people talk about with dread-
the venom glands within her head.
Her venom is for killing prey,
quickly, lest it runs away
or even worse, with well placed bite
removes her eye- and sense of sight.
Although with venom she can kill
If she can hide from man, she will,
With Man she wouldn’t seek out strife
He isn’t worth the risk to life.
He's more to fear (and I'm not joking)
from poor diet and passive smoking.


I saw that you noticed me,
at least what you imagined me to be.
You spied a glance,
then shying behind a hair fern,
peeking, as you chanced small steps in my direction.
Quietly. Softly.
Detection avoidance masks your intention,
and carries you towards me.

Ever so close to me now, you are,
and your shadow now melted into the moonless night.
Your presence is barely noticeable but for the starlight,
as is mine.
You can see me clearly, almost upon on my very being,
Cloaked in darkness.

But I can taste you,
even from my lair here beneath,
as summer breeze flows over me,
scattering as it does, the sunburnt leaves surrounding us.

All is well, as you estimate me, your prey.
It is almost over, done.
Your feed to become my destiny, my forever loss.
Small grub that I am, emerging from the soil.

With one sudden explosive movement,
It is now all over.
A once enlightened body, lies limp.
Even one last breath is now too cumbersome,
And it seeps feebly from within,
never more to be.

You will now never know, nor tell a soul,
that the path you secreted down,
was in fact my own.
And the earth you trod upon was actually me.
Together we pounced.
But my tail, your meal,
disappeared before you.
And the ground beneath you fell.
My true self fully revealed before you,
and fangs deeply sunk within your skin.

I am Muntharr, night prowler.
Predator king of the starlit night.

*Muntharr = Death Adder in the traditional Kamilaroi / Gamilaraay Australian Aboriginal language from Northern NSW, including areas such as Moree, Tabulam, Tenterfield, and Casino. Where I used to eat turtles and Echidna with the locals by the river.
Congratulations to the deserving winners for their excellent contributions! :D
Thanks to the other entrants for submitting poems. There were so many good poems it was hard to choose.
It was a great competition, so thanks need to go to Snipercap for running it, Slateman for donating prizes and Umbral for suggesting it. 8)
Umby this comp was great idea. Snipercup handled this well and poems are just great.:D
Congrats to the winners, loved reading all the poems, so many talented people with different styles, well done guys and girls. :D
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