Are Common Tree Snakes Venomous? (with tag photos)

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I knew that I had read it somewhere before, and recently when working with Bryan we had discussed this is interesting to note that they are venomous, although not significant, much like many of the lizard species that have been identified as having venom present.
As I mentioned in a similar CTS/colubrid thread (with a link to this one) ...

With regards to venomous / non-venomous, the point I'm trying to make is that there is a stigma associated with the phrase "venomous snake" and rightly or wrongly, people see us keepers as experts. If we start saying that these common-in-backyard snakes are venomous - regardless of the qualification, people are increasingly alarmist and hear what they want to hear - then it could mean that many of these fascinating and beautiful snakes meet with an untimely death.

In this case, being 'right' may come with a cost.
In many cases it is better to teach people that all snakes can cause damage, be it through venom or a simple bite, it is better to leave them alone and if concerned contact a local snake catcher.....we have a simple community message...NO OWNER NO TOUCH....attempting to teach people the difference between a venomous snake and a harmless one is no easy feat, especially when doctors and nurses in some Queensland hospitals are telling staff to ensure that all snake bite are dangerous because pythons and venomous snake are breeding together.....this is from first hand experience....I have actually heard this stated in a hospital. Before people start to comment on the impossibility of this and how such intelligent people can make such a mistake, remember that people see animals from our domestic point of view, a German Shepard can breed with a fox terrier, so why cant a python and venomous snake breed? After all most people think a snake is a snake.
Does this mean all colubrids, including Milk Snakes, Corn Snakes, Garter Snakes, Tree Snakes, Keelbacks ect have some sort of venom in their saliva?
you will be fine,
tree snakes are with the colubrid or colubridae family mean rear fanged!
so he most of got a good bite on you to get that woon,
no there a mild venom much like a bee sting you will be fine unless you are alergic to lots of things.
Tree snakes have an uncanny way of snapping that head back to close on 180degrees :lol: So now those rear fangs are right out the front!

That looks like a wonderful tree snake! How long is he/she? Is it just eating fish?
Oops ... I did it again!

Same snake, same result! Although index finger this time ...


It took 45 minutes, methylated spirits and the 'two spoon method' to get her to stop trying to eat me on this occasion.
Yeah, she's a big'un!

She wasn't in the best of health last year - wasn't shedding properly, etc - but with a bit of TLC she's perked right up. I'm hoping to get a few (read: a lot) of eggs out of her this season, unless she's so big and old that she's past her breeding window ... or she decides to eat her prospective mate!
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