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I don't like the Porno ones, or the almost porn, this isn't the site for it. And yeah, flashing ones are annoying.
haha byronies (wait thats a bit wierd lol) i need a gf
i like mine, cause it's me :p

who's heart did you rip out and paste all over your chest then?

I don't really care for avatars that much, but I prefer the ones that people have made themselves, not hunted the net to find a funny one... I took the photo of that croc just before it ate my dog... I used the dog as bait, the cat had already run off. He was a good boy.. I said.. "Sit" and he obeyed.. but he wasn't close enough to the waters edge so I prodded him with a stick till he got closer, finally... The croc ate him....
lol @ slim :p

I'm assuming that's one of those nervous laughs when something not actually funny has occured but you have to laugh because you don't know what else to say...

haha... just like that... :p

I need a new avatar... I might have to go get a new dog....
I like the plain reptile posed ones.
after all it is a reptile site lol
I'm the opposite. I actually like the ones that do not have a reptile in them. After all, we all know we like reptiles here!! ;)
i like mine, cause it's me :p
YAY for self portraits.... mine is me too... ;) ( no i am not a gelfling)
i don't like the porn ones either.. i am sure there is dating site's for that kind of stuff..
and the flashing ones are rather annoying ( you know who you are...LOL )
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