NightHawk I was reading your original post thinking damn she must be from SA and then I checked lol.
I ride a Motorbike just about everywhere I go and I must say that at least once a week some stupid prick that is either blind or just plain doesn't give a **** about bike riders tries to kill me. I have found over the years that if I wanna safely make it home to my wife and family I have to trear every other road user as if they are out to kill me.
I must admit I really feel for bikers. I don't own one myself (not through lack of trying, I'd love to get my license one day, soon my precious
) but it was bad enough in NZ, then I moved here... the amount of people I've seen driving practically on top of bikes like they're not even there is awful. Sometimes I'll push the occasional car behind me on overtaking lanes just to get behind the bike and make some space
It's bloody dangerous, particularly with inexperienced riders. You can just see the wobbles starting up with nerves
I was taught by a generic driving school, got my P's, reconnected with my father and he re-taught me how to drive. I didn't realize there was so much that my instructor had left out, and how ill prepared I was if something DID happen. I wasn't taught about Aquaplaning, how to handle a car with a blow out, how to prevent rolling... nothing... He also taught me to assume everyone is an idiot, and even though YOU might be paying attention, doesn't mean they are.
I didn't get my L's until I was about 25; I grew up in a small town where anywhere I had to drive a cab only cost $5, so there wasn't really a super pressing need and I was slack. I did 'drive' on occasion, and I shudder to think how now, but when I was over here my FIL pushed me to get a license, buy a car, and made me drive EVERYWHERE, and because we worked together on a farm and lived next door to each other I mean everywhere. He taught me very well, I only got a few lessons and then passed my VORT with only a two point knockoff on parallel parking (which I'd done
perfectly every time in the lessons... go figure?).
I'm glad he pushed me the way he did, it meant I was driving at all hours, in any weather, in any situation. The farm was on clay, so there were a few times I didn't just go sideways in my little brown Holden, but round in circles
I freaked the first time but afterwards I'd be sitting there going "Wheeee!" LMAO