Bearded Dragon breeders NSW

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Port Stephens, NSW
Hello, I live in Port Stephens, NSW and was wondering if anyone could recommend a Beardie Breeder?
I know that Brettix is a well known Bearded Dragon Breeder and have been stalking his site, lol but are there any others that people would recommend?
Also I am interested in the Rick Walker line, I understand he is not in NSW but is there anyone who breeds beardies from him?
Cheers :)

P.S I understand you can get hatchies all over the herp trader, here etc, just mainly wanting a recommendation. and u do searches by states there, also one of the ladies that owns the following one is a member here Hawkesbury Reptiles

also owned by another member here Camo's Reptiles. Home

ive only just heard about this place so havent had much of a look around yet Canberra's Exotic Animal Specialists

there is also a for sale (other reptiles and insects) section in here where you can find plenty for sale

you could also just put 'bearded dragon breeders' into google and go from there
Hi Jeannine
Thanks for the info, I have had a look at Pet pages, as well as on here. I just thought I would see if anyone can recommend a breeder as I have just gotten "stung".
Anyway I have also tried the Bearded Dragon breeders in google, didnt come up with much.

I think the Canberra is one is a bit to far away, I like the sound of Hawkesbury reptiles, they sound good.
Thank you also for the link to Camo's Reptiles, I will keep an eye out.

this guy is located in windale in lake macquarie. i bought a blacksoil / lawson's dragon off him 2 years ago who is still the best lizard i own :) he also sells central beardeds and some other herps

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Hawkesbury reptiles are the people i got my boy from, they are both very friendly people, helpful with advice and if you have any enclosure questions they will help you with it as well
Bazza only has the black soil dragons at the moment and i think the OP suggests they are looking at the central bearded dragons, though of course they could change their mind and go for the smaller ones
No, definately looking at the Central Beardies, I have one little Central already but wanting to find him/her a friend :)
Maybe two if I can coax my parents ;3
Hawksbury reptiles and Brettix seem to be the two to look at :)
Thanks everyone.
Bazzas is best! Seriously though, I had a terrible time with [deleted] and bazza came through and gave me tons of advice before, during, and after i bought my central beardie and Im going back to him to get two black soils!

Why did you have a terrible time? that statement is a bit open ended is all.
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Shame that was posted on my post :( Especially since it is about someone that has actually helped me a lot with my beardies.

Anyway thank you to all above I have now found a good little fella from GeckPhotographer and he couldnt of been more nice.

I will however will be getting a few beardies from Brettix later in the year(hopefully).

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