Bearded Dragon hatchling won't bask

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New Member
Nov 28, 2008
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I've had the hatchling for around 2 weeks. He eats and drinks fine. hes quite active sometimes but sleeps a fair bit. he just doesnt seem to go up on his basking log much and spends most of the time in the cool side of the tank. he does go up their occasionally but not much at all. if i put him up there he just jumps down and goes back and sleeps in the cool side. im pretty sure the temperatures are all fine. but ive been reading different temperatures everywhere so im not 100% sure. im just concerned about the little guy and don't want anything to happen to him.
The cool end should be around 25-27DegC and basking spot of around 35-40DegC,

How big is the enclosure?
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