bearded dragon temperature help :|

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Active Member
Aug 21, 2009
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lane cove
im new to owning a reptile and i want to make sure that i get my enclosure at the right temperatures and every little detail that ive read about.
will the basking light provide the right temperature throughout the warm side of my tank or do i need to buy something else to help with like a uvb or a fluorescent light?
should i buy a heat mat and place it on the outside of the enclosure to make the temperatures just right or is that not needed?
help :|
Heat & light are the most important things for a Beardie. Depends what size enclosure u have re what wattage u should use for the basking spot - i.e. 4ft approx 100W, 5ft approx 150W. It's much more effective to put your beardie in the sun for at least 1/2hr every other day re UV. That way as long as they've got 40-44C basking spot & approx. 28C cool side u can save the money.
A heat mat shouldn't be necessary either - place a river rock under the basking spot & this'll give u the same effect, or use tiles as the substrate.
Invest in a digital thermometer so u know exactly if you've got it right!
Hope that helps, let's see what others say as well.:)
im going to buy a 4ftx18x18
is it better for the dragon to get natural sunlight or can i just use a UVB light?
also are fluorescent lights needed? :S
mate, I've just changed over to mercury vapour. 65W in a 4'x2'x2' enclosure seems to work beautifully. Provides heat and UV in a single globe. I was using CF globes (10%) and our beardies are fit as. If you wanna take them outside make sure you have either an escape proof yard, or a nice big tub (half covered to provide shade) to put them in cause the little buggers can run!
and mercury vapour will keep the cage at its right temp?
another do you keep one side of the cage cool? do provide a hide if its too warm?
well i use 75 watt basking lights and 5.0 uv no heat pad as it is not needed the cool side will stay cool as long as the basking light is on the side of the tank not in the middle
the mercury vapour keeps it at a great temp. At the warm end I have a slab of old sandstone lifted at one end to form a "cave". Right under the globe I have a small spot that is 50C, but they don't bask there. 2" away it is 35-40C and they hang there. In the "cave" under the slab and at the other end of the enclosures it is 22C.
so the only really needed lights and heating are a basking light and a uvb light? is the uvb light one of those long fluorescent lights :S
If you're being honest with yourself & will never (or rarely) sun your beardie, then yes, stick to a basking light & UV light.
If you're enclosure is like a fish tank & is sold with the availability of a fluro light, then buy a fluro UV reptile light to go with this - stick to the Reptiglo 5 or 8, or Arcadia 10/12 - just make sure the Arcadia will fit your setup. Be aware u need to change this UV fluro at latest every 12 mnths, & your beardie needs to be able to get within 30-60cm of it - do not put the glass tops on, this inhibits the UVB getting thru!!. The basking light then just go with a Sunglo basking light at least 75-100W.
Keep it simple, this is all that should be needed. With a 4 ft tank u should be able to have a cool side no probs, although a probe temperature set up is always advisable, especially with the Aussie summer heat.
Good luck, hope u have a happy:D beardie!!!!! - Kathy
as i said im new to this to dont think im too retarded.. butt is a uv light one of those long fluorescent lights? :S and whats a probe temperature? sorrrry i just want to get this right before i buy my first beardie :)
The fluro light sold with a fish tank is not a UVA/UVB fluro, you specifically need to but one for a reptile.
A probe thermometer allows u to keep tabs on the exact temp at basking, middle & cool ends, not much money involved there.
Ask away lol..........
where in tank should i place the uvb light? does it emit heat so it should stay away from the cool side?
If you're buying a fluorescent light it will go along the length of the top of the enclosure. Minimal heat if any.
If you're buying a bulb one, it will go next to the basking light to obtain maximum UV for the reptile, plus not hurt their eyes. Minimal heat if any.
If it's one that incorporates heat + UV - then only the one bulb so place at the hot end. All-in-one.
Stay away from coil bulbs though.
Good to see u asking Q's, please research a bit more before buying (your beardie i.e.), it helps your beardie!!!!

PS wish someone else would add their tuppence worth here , advise needed. Otherwise Contos, use the search facility on this site to read all that's been said in the past.
Cheers - Kathy
whats the problem with coils? ive also read up about mercury vapour. it sais that its a good source of uvb but can over heat your dragon. is that also added with a basking lamp or is that just the mercury vapour by itself? ive been through alot of sites and done a whollle lot of homework and i just need a bit of clarification on heatingg =\
thanks again
Hi i'm building a enclosure for my 6 month old bearded dragon i was going to use the mercury vapour bulb but decided against it. My sister used the mercury vapour bulb one bulb lasted her a month then it blew, they sent out another one free of charge and it blew within 2 weeks. She her mercury vapour bulb from the herp shop which isn't there fault nor my sisters. So i'm going the basking bulb and uvb tube way. Exo terra bulbs are meant to be the best. I've heard good things about zoo med too for basking bulbs. Uvb tubes everyone seems to reccomend reptisun 10 uvb tube or the arcadia 12 uvb tube.
btw, I didn't mean to sound condescending towards u contos, sorry if it came across like that. Check out , all the info there on different types, brands etc.
The coils 'used to' be renowned for causing eye problems & other things with beardies, but I see they've pulled the report from the above site, so maybe nothing to worry about anymore.
Have fun deciding!
thanks for that
ill go with your word seeing as im short on money and cant afford a new bulb every few weeks
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