Bearded Dragon Vomiting????

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Active Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Hey all.
As i was turning on the heat lamps in my Pygmy enclosure i noticed a small pile of crickets and mealworms. I really didnt have a clue how they got their and it wasnt until an hour later that i witnessed my male Dragon vommitting up more of last nights dinner. There has been nothing out of the ordinary as far as routine is concerned. Water and enclosure are both all clean. Wat is wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated!
I'd suggest monitoring his feeding and energy level closely, and generally keeping an eye out for any other physical signs that may indicate an issue.

It may just be an isolated incident such as some form of internal irritation etc. that may be no cause for concern.

If he is lethargic, vomits again, refuses a feed, any irregularity in feces etc. it would be best to get him checked out.
Check temps, they will regurge when the temps are not optimal, simple fix, if temps are good then start to look at other areas.
How long have you had it for? Do you have a thermostat and thermometer in the enclosure?
Don't feed mealworms and you will likely not have this problem.
Well it was a one off. Have been checking up on him regularly and he seems fine now.
when you say lastnights dinner are you feeding at night??? if so wanna stop that and feed in morning they need food for energy during he day as there body temps are higher they can bsak to digest there food, if you feed at night how can they digest properly thats like me feeding you a large steak for dinner and sending you to bed you would feel off to the more i feed you the more you would want to vomit

but if you are not feeding at night time,

monitor him closely as other suggested any other symptons would goto vet
Stimmie, I was away for the day and didnt get the chance to feed them till night. I have done this before with no problems. This is not a regular feeding time though. As I still go to school they are fed at around 8 each morning!
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