He may be due to shed, I've already fed him so it's definitely not that
That would make sense. It depends a lot on the snake to figure it out when they’re getting ready to shed (i’ve found just on experience and knowing my snakes that my boy sheds around every three months and my girl sheds every two or so, I can recommend writing down the date of when he sheds somewhere and then you have a record you can turn to to figure out the ‘average’ time between sheds for your snake after a few sheds).
If you notice his colouring might be off that could be a sign that he’s getting close to shedding, I can’t say exactly because it varies between morphs but generally scales get darker and their eyes frost over with a blue-ish colour unless it’s an albino (might happen with other morphs but I don’t have experience with that) in which case they might get lighter. My coastal is an albino and I find his scales go almost pastel when he’s coming up to a shed and his eyes are such a light shade of pink that I can’t tell when they’ve clouded over if they do at all so I just look for the pale scales.
As for handling if it is a shed, I’d suggest waiting it out first and foremost. Generally if you can see a change in his scales then he should shed within two or so weeks (or right after his next meal but that depends on how far away it is) and during that time they really can’t see too well since their eyes, or rather the eyelid they’re about to shed off, cloud over. It can make them more trigger happy when it comes to fast movements by their faces and I’ve found it’s best to leave them alone around that time because they are more prone to stress (and biting). If it is a shed and you can wait until after it to move him into the new enclosure that would be great!
I think it’s been recommended by people in other threads not to move them into a new place when they can’t see well since their eyes new, unfamiliar layout and smells may stress them out and it’s best to wait until they can see properly but you should totally do your own research on that
My only tips for handling with cranky snakes is to make slow and calm movements, support the body properly and try to keep your fingers and hands away from their head/where they can bite you but again, usually it’s best to just leave them alone (unless absolutely necessary) until they’re in a better mood unless you’re okay with the higher chance of getting bitten.
(Sorry for the long reply lmao)