Bearded Dragons..???

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2011
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so im thinking of getting myself a couple of bearded dragons because i think they look like a very interesting pet, i want two because i think it would be nicer for them to have a friend.
what different types are there and which ones are great little pets?
also are they relatively easy to keep as pets? are they friendly? do they need a large enclosure? how big and how quickly do they grow? how often do they eat?

a few questions i know, but i don't want to rush in and buy some without any knowledge whatsoever.
id say most are friendly, out of all the ones i know only 1 has been abit snappy.
i feed my dragon evryday a mix of woodies,carrot,bokchoy and sometimes toss in afew treats like blue berries
my big guy is about 35cm nose to tail tip
i keep him in a 4 foot tank alone
they are fairly easy to keep and can be amusing at dinner time :D

as for the types i know there are central bearded dragons and i think there are eastern bearded dragons and there are difrent colour phases in them such as red yellow white and so on.

as the user above me has said google is a good start
I'll just add my two cents by saying you're better off with one individual dragon to one enclosure unless you want to breed, in that case you'd still need them seperated untill they've reached the right age for breeding.

It is safer, easier and less stressful on the animal.
Keep dragons seperate.
Try a central bearded dragon or a Black soil bearded dragon. They are awesome pets but you need to provide correct temps and food for them. Also training them to be handled
id go an inland yellow fase beardie, they are the most beautiful and intresting i think.

i have 2 bearded bradgon, a boy and a girl in the same enclosure and she does lay eggs once to twice a year, but i dont like to separate them as they act different, like they are depressed when they are not together.
if i put them into different enclosures they scratch on the glass all day trying to get out.
They are generally very friendly, but can often fight, especially two males. They do eat a lot more than snakes and this makes them higher maintenance...
agreed with all of the above.. they take up a bit of space. minimum 3ft tank 4 is much better though. dont house males together as they fight and a pair will breed and this takes condition outta the female like you wouldnt believe esp if she has multipul clutches. the only ones i keep together is my girls and they are all around the same size and they are monitored very closely for any arguing/ strssing/loss of condition. , also they are addictive
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