Beardie blood, Help.(breeding)

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Hey all, I recently purchased a male bearded dragon to go with my female. I have never bred before and thought beardies would be a nice starting point.
I put them together for the past week (not permanent, just for breeding) and the male seems to always be bopping his head ect, The female is never interested. So i put them both on the carpet to have a run around and within a minute the male mounted her, grabbing her neck very hard. then did the tail thing and got jiggy with her. All seemed to be going well.

Now I don't know much, and have heard of bleeding after mating before, but thought i would check in. About 40 seconds after they were entangled she started to crawl away (not sure how long they normally take, but 40 seconds! how embarrassing) and there was a lot of blood, which scared me a bit. Just wondering if this is normal. Also, the male kept doing the head bobbing thing after (does that mean he didn't do his job?) I have separated them again for now.

Any help/advice/reassurance is welcome!

Also, where the male bit (the flabby neck skin) is a bit cut and red. I knwo that is also probably normal but yeah.. First reptile, very protective of her!
Bump, Just want a little peace of mind :D
sorry cant help but if you dont get info from here soonish i would recommend calling a herp vet, just for advice over the phone.
Headbobbing first means he is showing he is dominate etc. Second when they mate they bite the females neck when they "mount" so a bit of blood is normal, if its really bad I'd call vet though, I'm not sure how beardie sex lasts so I can't help you with that LOL.
It didn't keep bleeding, it was just like a blob of blood on the males foot ( i saw a video. the male sticks his foot in her vent?) so yeah, might just see a few more responses.
the blood is apparently normal, which is the reason i'll never breed mine.

good on u for seperating them rather than letting him rape the female over and over,...i cant imagine how stressfull that would get on a permanent basis.

hehe,..40 secs, i've known faster human males!!! :p
the blood is apparently normal, which is the reason i'll never breed mine.

good on u for seperating them rather than letting him rape the female over and over,...i cant imagine how stressfull that would get on a permanent basis.

hehe,..40 secs, i've known faster human males!!! :p

Hahahaha! Yeah, Rocky isn't that easy, all week every time he moves in for some ******** she slowly crawls away with a *You Wish* look on her face.

I was waiting until he got her drunk!
hehe,..did u put some vodka in her water like he asked u to!?

...or maybe dust her roaches with some rohypnal,...!!! :p
Since when has normal mating behaviours been called rape????? It sound like your beardies have displayed very normal, very natural behaviours Rocky. We should not put our standards on any animal behaviour.
Hahaha, yeah he sent me a text thanking me just before.
Hey your in hornsby too! represent, HB baby!

On a more serious note, How will I know if the male pulled through? How many weeks untill i can notice a different in my female?

So next up is the incubator. time to google my *** off.
Since when has normal mating behaviours been called rape????? It sound like your beardies have displayed very normal, very natural behaviours Rocky. We should not put our standards on any animal behaviour.

Oh good, so no dramas then, Phew. and your right, we shouldn't pass our failure onto our animals.
when my male forcibly tried to have sex with my poor terrified female (notice i didnt say rape even though it would be called rape in humans,...) i was told depending on the ovulation cycle of the female it would be between 25 and 45 days till she laid...then 2 weeks between clutches or there abouts.

it seems i got him off her on time though, its been way longer than that,..phew,..!!

theres a few hornsbites here these days,...!!! :)
when my male forcibly tried to have sex with my poor terrified female (notice i didnt say rape even though it would be called rape in humans,...) i was told depending on the ovulation cycle of the female it would be between 25 and 45 days till she laid...then 2 weeks between clutches or there abouts.

it seems i got him off her on time though, its been way longer than that,..phew,..!!

theres a few hornsbites here these days,...!!! :)

25 days!?!? I heard around 65-75 days!

I need to make me an incubator!

(So down that the starbucks has closed, now where will i loiter?)
as long as his hemipenes have been brought back in it should be fine... i dont think she was ready, as they usually just sit there, rather the scramble him off... 40 seconds sounds normal from what ive seen..

she should lay in about three weeks.

up her calcium, protein and get her out in the sun as much as possible !!
as long as his hemipenes have been brought back in it should be fine... i dont think she was ready, as they usually just sit there, rather the scramble him off... 40 seconds sounds normal from what ive seen..

she should lay in about three weeks.

up her calcium, protein and get her out in the sun as much as possible !!

Will do, thanks for all the help every one! Now time to make an incubator and find out what hemipenes means!

Wait, I assume thats his man pieces?
Will do, thanks for all the help every one! Now time to make an incubator and find out what hemipenes means!

Wait, I assume thats his man pieces?

oh god...


he has two 'penis parts' they are called hemipenes, if she popped them, you would/should be at the vet right now..

incubator is simple.. and you probably should have this setup already.. ;) something no one ever says is to put your egg tubs halfway up the styro box, and have the probe outside the box, with another thermometer (digital probe) in. otherwise it fluctuates.... set the thermostat going off the egg probe, not the outside probe... this stops fluctuating..

also, just line the bottom of the styro. and try buying some 'parrot nesting material' dark mulchy stuff, instead of vermilicule, it doesnt mould.

PM me if you need some help ;)
Don't worry, I am sure someone will call the reptile special victims unit!! I don't think you have anything to worry about, lizards rarely bring chocolate and flowers to a date. Good luck with incubating..
michels patisserie is good for coffee,..but not loitering,...!!
what are they putting where the starbucks was,..?

let me know if u need anything fro the incubator,..have spare heat cord and stuff at home,..think i still have a big styrofoam box too,....
Yeah I have been looking at what is involved with an incubator for the past few weeks, and today (after selling my blue tongues to costal-shagg) I have enough money to Begin. One thing i havent seen is about the styrofoam box? Every guide i read says about a old mini bar fridge or an esky, so styrofoam is good too??
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