beardie help

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Not so new Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Hi all,

I have a male central australian beardie who is displaying signs of a distinct change in behaviour. He is 18 months old and in the last 3 weeks he has become less active and eats cosiderably less than he did prior. While he is still eating a small amount of greens daily and perhaps 1 roach every 2 days he shows no interest in eating any more than that. I can see no signs that he is preparing to shed. the enclosure is kept ( and always has been ) @ 30-32 deg celcius.

thanks in advance.:?
30-32c in the hot end is too cold 36c+ is needed and 40c in basking area.
but back to your issue , maybe its just brumating [ hibanating ] ?
Given that there body naturally shuts down in winter(assuming they were born in summer/spring) i suggest you lower your wattage and brumate him, considering he obviously wants to if he isn't eating as much as usual. But yes if you intend to not brumate, or hibernate him try and get the temps in the hot end up more. Hope I helped.
We are currently in winter, hers probably just slowing up I know my beardie is. Also raise the temps at the hot end they are WAY too low. ZOOJAS has already given you the temps so no need to repeat :)
pretty sure this isnt a battle of who says what, he asked for help i gave it. if more than one person gives the information he is after, he will know thats what the majority of herp keepers do. just reminding and passing on my knowledge
pretty sure this isnt a battle of who says what, he asked for help i gave it. if more than one person gives the information he is after, he will know thats what the majority of herp keepers do. just reminding and passing on my knowledge

W T F you on about nub, I was talking about no need for me to repeat it, geez your not THAT special...

pretty sure this isnt a battle of who says what, he asked for help i gave it. if more than one person gives the information he is after, he will know thats what the majority of herp keepers do. just reminding and passing on my knowledge

hahahahaha pull your head in nuff nuff
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