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New Member
Mar 5, 2011
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Hey, I'm new here, but I figured this was probably the best place to get quick help from. I've had an Eastern bearded dragon since June 2010, and recently I've noticed some odd behavior during feeding. After about 10 or so crickets, his eyes go all glassy, he seems to refuse to move, and he sticks his tongue out at nothing, as though he's trying to eat empty air. I've picked him up while he was doing this once, and he just sits there and keeps sticking out his tongue. This usually lasts about 5 minutes before he starts eating regularly again, and I'm wondering if this may be a bad sign. He's (roughly) 25 months old, as far as I know (the previous owners said he was between 15 & 18 months), and I feed him 15-20 crickets every second or third day. All of them are dusted with calcium powder, and he also eats a variety of fruit & veggies, mostly beans, carrots, peas, and sultanas. The temps are ~43 degrees C in the closest spot to the heat lamp, and about 25 degrees C in the cool side of the tank. Am I doing anything wrong? Can anyone explain this behavior to me?
Thanks :)
My male eats about 5 woodies every 3rd to 4th day, he ignores them and doesn't want to eat, it's nothing different he just might not be all that hungry, also don't dust "every" cricket every should only dust them with calcium powder twice a week and a multivitamin once every week to they get older they will move from less live food to more greens..try some endive,Bok Choy, pumpkin, collards, squash and dandelions. It's nothing different, aslong as he eats sleeps poops and looks healthy you have nothing to worry about. Hope this helps, kinda wasted at the moment watching DVDs lol!
Thanks, I was just a little freaked out, cause it's my first herp and I didn't want him getting paralyzed or something... That's what it seemed like though :S
DON'T LET HIM STRESS YOU.Mine is only 5mths old and he does some strange things too.When squish goes off his tucker I try new things to try and tempt him.Maybe you have been away or really busy and could he be fretting a bit?
one of mine used to do something similar, i think he used to fill his mouth up and then try to swallow a bunch together. maybe feed him a couple let him swallow and then some more. with a whole bunch loose he used to go nuts trying to catch them all at once so none would get away. lol greedy bugger. maybe offer a bit of water to see if he is thirty as well.
Try just dusting his greens and leave the crickets dust free.
You can also add some meal worms to the dusted greens .
Mine go for their greens before the crickets
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