beardie layed sunken eggs?

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Active Member
May 8, 2007
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shire syd
hi i just found my beardys eggs in her lay box that she laid either today or yesterday- i was trying to breed them however i did not think she was gravid yet.
There were 31 eggs though two were popped and the rest are sunken and kinda shrivelled.
I put them on a bed of vermiculite 50/50 water by weight at 29 degrees in my incubator.
Im just wondering if i'm wasting my time, are they not meant to look like this?
It is my first attempt so any input would be appreciated !
there not supposed to look like that but they should pop back ouot if your lucky with the moisture form the Vermiculite
no pic i should have taken some. il take some tomorow as i dont want to disturb the incubator
yeah if u got them in time they should absorb the moisture from the vermiculite. just check on them in a few days, if they are looking better thats good, but i would still keep them going cos u never know what might hatch :) make sure to keep the water up in the container. watch the moisture that condenses on the lid, if there is not there add more water but dont get water on the eggs directly :)
i hope not.
she was in with the male for about a week all up but maybe they are not compatible
Was the laying substrate moist? Beardies sometimes lay sunken eggs, it doesn't always mean they are slugs but often they are. Incubate them as per usual and see how they go.
The substrate was a litle moist i think it wasn't moist enough though.
The eggs still look the same i will keep an eye on them for the next week though.
hopefully she will lay another clutch in a few weeks
im dusting the crickets and giving her salad, are there any other supplements I should be giving her?
Pump the insects into her, swap from crickets to woodies at weekly intervals (they eat much better with a change in diet... she will lay another clutch in 18 - 30 days time if fed well. Dust insects every second day whilst producing eggs.
thanks for the replys guys i will get some food into her and i will keep you posted
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