Been a while I need updates!!!

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Very Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Hay guys how are you all doing.
Some of you may remember me being a fairly regular member in this site, however due to some personal issues I dropped off the radar for a while there.

Anyway I'm back now and have noticed I've missed alot
In the herp world, last time I was in the loop rough scaled pythons where just coming into the hobby on the vic licence, jungle jags where only discussed quietly and cross breeding was a sin.

So please give us an update for the last year and a bit what's new?

Also mega exciting news, I proposed to my girl friend of three years on Christmas eve, and got a yes :D, and more exciting news is that two weeks later I find out I'm gonna be a dad :D:D.
So there's an update on me :).
Update,its ok for most to breed anything with anything..Jags are coming in every Morelia species (just about)..Congatulations on the marriage proposal and becoming a father..
Nearly as soon as the jags came out of the woodwork..Alot of people have a totally different aspect on breeding seems ok to breed a Diamond with a Jungle etc..I could only imagine on what people wouldve said about that years ago..
A year ago if you mentioned crossing you may as well have been hung drawn and quatered! it was tantamount to animal cruelty in some peoples minds I reckon.
i dont know that everyone thinks crossing is is more an accceptance that is is happening and there is nothing anyone can do about it
good for you hoogla jags all the rage even some cross breeds now and then seems a lot of changed in not so long a time
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