Best/Favorite Tropical Australian City/Town to Live in

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Is this the infamous Aussie humor?

And on the topic of Australians and Americans... Whats funny is that they are in reality fairly similar...and both like to exaggerate :)

A big difference through is that Americans tend to be arrogant and Aussies aren't and are more friendly.

By the way you don't seem to enjoy/be fond of living in Cairns....To touristy maybe??

It's a he... and hes about as "hot" as a typical salty.

For one I'm a New Zealander - so I officially hate Aussies and Americans almost equally....

Secondly - Australians are far more American than they give credit for - I agree - Hence I hate both equally. Australia is often referred to (in NZ) as America's (female dog). Where as NZ recalls the day she stood up to the yanks and said "NO" - but Australia didn't follow and tried to convince NZ to re-apply the ANZUS Treaty....

I absolutely LOVE Cairns - I've loved it from the day I arrived... But I sometimes feel I don't get the same out of it now as when I first arrived all those years ago....

I'd find it difficult to live elsewhere in Australia - though to be fair I have only traversed the east coast from Cape York to Port Albert.

But - Cairns is too touristy, many backpackers (much more fun when single). It's too commercial - it's the third (or second) most popular place to visit in Australia behind Sydney and maybe Melbourne.

But there's good reason for it... It's the gateway to the reef, the Whitsundays, the Daintree.... But I do love it here!!! I would recommend it - but.... At the same... I can't say it is for everyone....
Americans aren't as bad as Canadians. I'll take an arrogant yank over an annoying Canadian any day of the week!

I enjoy a good salty....

Lol how could you not like Canadians??? Their like the friendliest people on earth! Also could you tell me alittle about living in Darwin.. That was one of the top choices for my friend and I don't know much about it.. How is the crime/city in general?

For one I'm a New Zealander - so I officially hate Aussies and Americans almost equally....

Secondly - Australians are far more American than they give credit for - I agree - Hence I hate both equally. Australia is often referred to (in NZ) as America's (female dog). Where as NZ recalls the day she stood up to the yanks and said "NO" - but Australia didn't follow and tried to convince NZ to re-apply the ANZUS Treaty....

I absolutely LOVE Cairns - I've loved it from the day I arrived... But I sometimes feel I don't get the same out of it now as when I first arrived all those years ago....

I'd find it difficult to live elsewhere in Australia - though to be fair I have only traversed the east coast from Cape York to Port Albert.

But - Cairns is too touristy, many backpackers (much more fun when single). It's too commercial - it's the third (or second) most popular place to visit in Australia behind Sydney and maybe Melbourne.

But there's good reason for it... It's the gateway to the reef, the Whitsundays, the Daintree.... But I do love it here!!! I would recommend it - but.... At the same... I can't say it is for everyone....

Thanks for the imput... But not all Americans are that arrogant especially in the northern parts of America. The southerners can be pretty dumb/ignorant/arrogant but they aren't the type of people who would move to another country anyway. Unfortunately the [many] smug douche bags in the American media kind of give us a bad name..especially the northerners who are much less arrogant.

Do you really not like most Aussies or are you just joking?
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Lol how could you not like Canadians??? Their like the friendliest people on earth! Also could you tell me alittle about living in Darwin.. That was one of the top choices for my friend and I don't know much about it.. How is the crime/city in general?

How could you like anyone with that accent? And the girls are all stuck up bitches!

I can't really describe Darwin because i haven't really lived anywhere else that is comparable. Everything is pretty close, living in the nothern suburbs you're about 20 mins tops from the CBD, it's really small (something like 80000 people including the outter regions). Crime isn't that bad, there are a few break ins in certain areas but i assume everywhewre is like that. I've got no worry walking around at night. There's not alot to do unless you're a big drinker. The only real problem is that housing is stupidly expensive and the cost of living is pretty high.
Do you really not like most Aussies or are you just joking?

It's bred into our culture - we're designed to hate each other - it's ok, most Aussies hate me too... I came here, stole their jobs, stole their women (and a lot of them), took some cyclone relief money, got a friendly Rudd payout for the GFC... I do pretty well here really :)

Of course I love Australia... the problem with it though - is there's just too many Australians!

We're taking over though - and currently Queensland is New Zealand's largest state. Also - Bondi has now become New Zealand's most popular beach - we often watch Kiwi Rescue (aka Bondi Rescue).

We infiltrated so much that now they're even beginning to believe Russel Crowe is Australian. And to be honest, they can have him!

And NZ might be Aussie's little dog... but we continually work out ways to... ummmmm... hump her leg????
It's true, Australia is a much better place than NZ. You kiwi's can have the coast but, nothign but a bunch of whinging yuppies out that way.
It's true, Australia is a much better place than NZ. You kiwi's can have the coast but, nothign but a bunch of whinging yuppies out that way.

As with any well planned attack - it is a slow and painstaking manoeuvre - but we're still doing better than the toads!
I'm currently looking at going tropical as well and at this stage Townsville is looking pretty good. It looks like it is growing with new developments and lots of new housing going ahead. With this and being a major port and with it being the so called capital of Far North Qld, jobs will be good. I hate to say this but with the recent cyclone, a lot of people may move away and housing prices may come down. With Cairns just up the road and Mackay just down the road, the reef just off the coast and rainforests everywhere, it seems ideal.
Now for the kiwis.......The best way to describe our relationship is we are the best of friends but the greatest of rivals. On the sporting field, we will just stop short of killing each other but after the match we will sit and have a beer together swapping jokes. But when it gets serious ie: earthquake, as our Prime Minister put it "If we have it, it's yours". We fought together and died together as ANZACS (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps). In some fun they are the annoying little brother or sister we love to poke fun at and visa versa.
Just remember that our tropical weather is different to Florida or the Carribean, so be prepared.
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