best food for turtles

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
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hey guys just woundering what foods are best for turtles

ive herd turtles dinners are no good are thay ok to feed maybe once a week how about blood worms would it be ok to feed blood worms once a week aswell

so what about the other days what other foods are good to feed to your turtles ive herd crickets the small size u get in those packs at the pet shop are thay to big or would thay be ok

i have a saw shell which is around 6 months old and a decent size and a murry which is small atm not to sure on its age

if some one could make a list of all the foods i should feed them and wher i can get those foods would be great im not really near any rivers or lakes to go catch any fish or anything like that

thank u in advance
my step mum feeds her krefts beef stroganoff on occasions!! I know not a good diet but u try n tell her that LOL!!
erlier i saw a post with names of plants that turtles eat carnt seem to find it now anbody know the names of the plants ???
yeh turtles love to eat elodia a type of fresh water plant u can get from the pet sotre! feed it a wide range of diet..i also feed mine mealworms and other small insect,i feed them thawed out frozen vegatable they love them aswell,and on the occasion i also feed them tiny cut up strips of steak or chicken! they loove that!!..but they r in a tank with otehr large fish,and iv noticed when u dont have time for chopping up meat or vegatables or run out of mealworms and crickets,they love to eat ciclid pellets,well fish pellets,not the giant ones,but the smaller ones they love them,ciclid pellets r also good for them.
hope that helps a lil
Water Lilies, Water Hyacinth, Duckweed,
Anacharis, Water Lettuce, Water Fern, Pondweed(elodia), Water starwort, Hornwort, Water milfoil, and Frogbit...i forgot also small shrimp and yabbies..and blood worm :D
thank u seanjbkorbett can u get most of those plants at pet shops
mutant turtles like pizza............. (sorry couldn't resist :()
i feed mine a turtle pudding i make [ kangaroo meat , fresh water fish , shrimps , musscles , chicken hearts , vegies ] i blend it all up and put some gellerton in it , poor it out into ice cube containers and put it in the freezer .. i also feed them cockroaches , garden worms , crickets , irwigs , small yabbies , guppies .
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