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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
diamond beach
does anyone have any stories on their adventures herping.
my best 1 would have to be when i found a bandy bandy and an eastern small eyed snake or when i found heaps of jacky dragons, blue tongues and land mullets.
i found a garden skink in my garden :lol:
Cant quiet say which one was my best, its out of USA, Fiji or closer to home..Alice Springs all great herping times
when i was about 6- 7 i remeber i was going to maccas with my aunty and we had to drive past a pond thing to get there and she nearly hit a turtle.. but we put it back in the pond.. pond was nearly all dried up.
The most animals i've seen in one night was, 6 Adders, 4 Stephens, 3 Diamonds, 4 Small eyeds, 2 Swampy's and i lost count of the Rough scales after about 10. That was in a 4 hour period on a 4km stretch of road.
my best was when we went to bulahdila and we seen 5 carpets 2 diamonds and something i could not i dentify
I went fly fishing at Barrington Tops one day and encountered the densest (word?) population of tiger snakes I'v ever heard of. Walking 3-4 kms upstream from Polblu picnic area I came across a snake approximately every 5 metres in a certain area. There were brown and black phase, striped and plain. I would estimate about 40 -50 snakes basking in open ground in grass tussocks and even in the branches of of shrubs and trees. I was loving it!!
Sitting here in my office and seeing a 4 foot Eastern Tiger snake outside my window in the front garden.

Immediately got the dogs inside. Then went out to see if I could help him across the road and away from the houses.

He was very obliging.

I love living/working here! Wouldn't be anywhere else.

I went to a seeding bar in Thailand once and got a bad case of herps... All in all it was the best herping adventure I'd been on...
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