Best substrate for Mertens?

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Can anyone please tell me what is the best substrate for a Mertens water monitor in a large indoor enclosure?
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water :p I'll have to keep a close eye on this thread, I hope to get some mertens in the near future. Do you have some Jozz?
ok im probably going to get a mouthfull for this because everytime i put my opinion in on monitors i do


mine is on fake turf with one little area with paper, he has a little swimming area and a piece of slate down near his heat which he loves lounging out on

i would never use any sand etc because it causes a few problems and yes monitors are use to sand! but mainly muddy or moist areas etc not dry sand

so i would reccoment fake grass i can take photos of my enclosure later if u would like
Yeah, just got a juvi, she's awsome! Friendly curious little thing :) I was thinking of using small pebbles? I feed her out of the enclosure at the moment. I was told not to use fake turf too? I'll take some photos when it's set up.
everyone has there own opinions on turf etc, i have been told to use a special barkchip sorf of substrate, but when they are catching food or eating they can swallow that sort of thing so i dont use that either i personally wouldnt use pebbles but thats just me, my mertens seems to be really happy in its enclosure, and its really healthy, ill show u some pics soon :)

and congrats on getting the mertens! can i ask which seller u bought urs from? i saw an adult pair on rdu interstate so tempting to buy them lol!
Jozz - I use sand for all my small Monitors - I have NEVER had a problem, and frankly, have never heard of any problems...logically, if sand were to cause problems (impaction and the like) this would be a much bigger issue in smaller Monitors...

I would still use sand/turf of some description for your Mertens. Mertens are a perfect display animal, and if you are going to the trouble of constructing a large indoor enclosure I would presume you would want it to look good...

Obviously practicality needs to be addressed, however, I like my enclosures to look good as well (the display tanks anyway) - sand/soil with a few rocks/large pebbles would be my preference - spot cleaning and a sifting every few weeks will keep it clean. Replace on bulk every few months...
Lama most monitors breeders youse sand who ever told you that sand is bad is pulling them self’s. did some one tell you that or did you make it up? . Some people don’t like it but there is nothing wrong with sand Imo in the wild they are on sand and u say most monitors are on wet sand what about spencers? and sand monitors ect .
Co**** river pebbles, look good and are easy to clean. Keep a couple of spare containers of the sustrate on hand so changes between cleaning isn't a problem.
some well known breeders have told me this also urs has said the exact same thing "dont use sand"
simple as that
i can have my own opinion my monitors wont be the ones dying of inpaction or other problems

i just care about the health of my monitors that is all i want whats best for them
Just loading some pics of her now. She's from the ones advertised on RDU now. Excellent, healthy animals!

Thanks everyone :)
I wanted a lacie, but someone convinced me to have a look at the mertens - now i'm definately converted! I love her :)


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I'll put some on of the enclosure when it's set up properly. She's in a tub inside the enclosure at the moment.
Love to see pictures of other set ups :)
i use sand for all my monitors,never had health issues,id have to wonder why people are against it,but everyone has there own opinions,i use what im happy with,i must say though that with my mertons,i used sand for the first 18 months,but with there going in and out of the water,all the sand ends up in there pond,lol,so now i use sugar cane mulch,and am very happy with it,barely any gets in the water,i also use it for my lace monitors to,easyer to clean out there cage,and more natural than a sand substrate,to the non sand users,may i ask what u would use for monitor nesting?
how big do these guys grow? iv heard a few times there docile for a monitor.. she looks really nice to.. how much do they usually go for aswell?
p to 130 cm in length,120 cm is s decent sized one though,yes they are quite mellow for a monitor,as a rule they will hiss and tail whip if annoyed,none of my five have tryed biting as a threat but u can never rule it out,i dont handle mine much,so they havnt tamed down,but there amazingly quiet compared to my sandys and lacies

prices vary to,usually in the
350 to 450 range for babies,but ive noticed some as low as 250using a fake grass substrate,

just thought id get back on topic,some keepers of mertons have had great results using no substrate,but include a sand filled egg laying box,the first 4 i purchased from a south australian breeder,his adults,2 prs were kept in a large indoor enclosure,urs hide rocks for hiding spots and basking spots and large sand filled lidded tubs for egg laying
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