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Active Member
May 28, 2012
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This is my new bhp that you all convinced me to buy!
its in the middle of an absolutely shocking slough so ive been pestering him all day trying to aid the slough

well anyway i think hes had enough now haha. put him on the ground for a second and return to this psycho. so pretty but :)

black headed python bluff and hiss - YouTube
Hehe, I have a similar video on my channel called "black head python bluff". I watched it in 3D not long ago and got dizzy from the side winding movement lol.

She stopped the bluff thing after about two to three weeks.

Congrats on the purchase :).
I remember how excited I was when I first got my girl and now she's easily over six foot at 20months.
She's still my favourite snake too :)
Beauteful snake. Next time try to pick it up withut the coat hanger. I never use snake hooks or tongs(unless its a hot) because ive had great success just slowley picking them up with my hands. Just dont show any fear and pull away. Thats when they think they can get over on you. If you havent goten bit it REALLY doesnt hurt, unless its 6 feet(sorry im American and am bad with metricks) then it starts to hurt.
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U Could have drop a towel on yr Bhp head and pick it up without getting a bite :)
The reason they ark up like that is because they're scared/intimdated. Throwing a towel on it won't really help.

As you titled it, it's just a bluff.
When mine was doing that, she'd only head but. Once I realised this, I just used my hand, tried not to flinch and picked her up like caliherp said. She learnt quickly that I wasn't scared of her and that I was no threat to her.
She went from psyco, lunge at anything that moves to calm and easy to handle in 2-3 weeks.
The reason they ark up like that is because they're scared/intimdated. Throwing a towel on it won't really help.

As you titled it, it's just a bluff.
When mine was doing that, she'd only head but. Once I realised this, I just used my hand, tried not to flinch and picked her up like caliherp said. She learnt quickly that I wasn't scared of her and that I was no threat to her.
She went from psyco, lunge at anything that moves to calm and easy to handle in 2-3 weeks.
You hit it on the head. My GTP does the same. Its never bit me but heat butts all the time. If you show no fear chances are you won't get naild.
Gorguz snake i have a QLD BHP hasnt headbut me yet but has a little hissy fit when you go to get him out of his cage but i just think its cute lol :p
Gorguz snake i have a QLD BHP hasnt headbut me yet but has a little hissy fit when you go to get him out of his cage but i just think its cute lol :p
Lol I agree. They think there so tough(lil man complex?) I only start to worry when the reach 7 feet. Then a bite isnt to funny.
LOL I have one of these, too. He was OK at first, but after about a week of being in his new enclosure he became quite attached to it, and now goes completely psycho whenever I open the door.
Lol I agree. They think there so tough(lil man complex?) I only start to worry when the reach 7 feet. Then a bite isnt to funny.

haha i think so lol i got bitten by my 9 foot jungle and to be honest lots of blood but didnt really hurt that much lol
Lol I agree. They think there so tough(lil man complex?) I only start to worry when the reach 7 feet. Then a bite isnt to funny.
my boy is on 8.5ft now and he is a gentle little fella so far lol
hisses abit but has never struck or even looked like it, i would imagine a good chomp outta him would tickle somewhat, my coastal likes to make me bleed, lucky ima diabetic, so i save on needles, :p
My 7ft retic ripped me a new one 35 stitches. I got a feeding reaction from my 8ft red tailed boa and I barely blead. The retic on the other hand made a mess out of my room. I'm not lying there was blood on the roof. It looked like a crime scene. The boa dident hurt to bad tho.
My 7ft retic ripped me a new one 35 stitches. I got a feeding reaction from my 8ft red tailed boa and I barely blead. The retic on the other hand made a mess out of my room. I'm not lying there was blood on the roof. It looked like a crime scene. The boa dident hurt to bad tho.
I bet! Some of the heads on the american snakes make aussie animals look like puppies
American snakes do not have more larger heads then Aussie snakes. The reason I get the bad end of the stick is because I collect a large variety of exotics of all sizes and have owned large exotics.(in the past due to young kids in the house) They have large teeth to grasp an constrict there prey. For the most part Aussie snakes are venomous so there is no need for large teeth. Except for some large fangs on on some Aussie sp. to penitrate there make a long story short I had a huge party. Drunk and cockey. My friend bet me I wouldent be able to feed my 12 ft male retic bare handed. So I did.(I bet you can guess what happond next8):lol::shock::facepalm:).... I don't want to stray off topic to much. Out of respect for the O.P

haha i think so lol i got bitten by my 9 foot jungle and to be honest lots of blood but didnt really hurt that much lol

Id say you got luckey. That may not happen next time.

my boy is on 8.5ft now and he is a gentle little fella so far lol
hisses abit but has never struck or even looked like it, i would imagine a good chomp outta him would tickle somewhat, my coastal likes to make me bleed, lucky ima diabetic, so i save on needles, :p
LMFAO my unckle was just complaining about the cost of thoes needles. Ill pass on the tip. The way i look at th thhere are kinds of bites warning,defenceive,aggresive,and a food attack. IMO thoes go from not hurting at all, to possibley stitches. I may sound like a jerk but i make all of my friends get bit by my ball python to get over the fear.
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Thanks for the responses everyone, some funny stories hehe

this is the first time ive used a hook with this snake, he had me bailed up on the floor for at least 10 minues before i had the courage to get up
all the hissing just really puts me off, no other snake of mine does it
all the hissing just really puts me off, no other snake of mine does it

Is it just a bluff though, or does he actually try and tag you ?

The first time mine got me he took me by surprise. He was asleep (or so I thought) up the other end of the tank so I decided to change his water. Whilst putting it back in I wasn't even thinking about him and the next thing I know, WHAM !, he's lunged from the other end of the tank and got me on the arm. Water went everywhere. LOL
Is it just a bluff though, or does he actually try and tag you ?

The first time mine got me he took me by surprise. He was asleep (or so I thought) up the other end of the tank so I decided to change his water. Whilst putting it back in I wasn't even thinking about him and the next thing I know, WHAM !, he's lunged from the other end of the tank and got me on the arm. Water went everywhere. LOL

i know its just a bluff, or meant to be, but since i barely know the personality of this snake yet im just being very careful haha

i imagine he is very calm because ive been grabbing him behind the head and pulling skin off his head and the rest of his body and he hasnt shown any sign of aggression during that

even my sookie bredli wont put up with that haha
All my aspidites have bad sheds. My woma & female BHP are perfectly fine with my massaging their old skin off, however. The male BHP has just shed his head only, so the rest needs to come off, although I'm not sure how that will go when he doesn't even want my hands in his enclosure. ;)

I just watched your vid with sound this time, and although very brief, the audio commentary is hillarious ! :lol:
The BHPs are mostly full of bluff & closed mouth strikes (head butt), but i would not like to get a full on bite from one.
The only time that i have been bit by one of my BHPs was a young snake & just a tag at feed time & i can tell you that they have very sharp little teeth & will cut you like a very sharp knife. Just as well they are full of bluff IMO.

All my aspidites have bad sheds. My woma & female BHP are perfectly fine with my massaging their old skin off, however. The male BHP has just shed his head only, so the rest needs to come off, although I'm not sure how that will go when he doesn't even want my hands in his enclosure. ;)

I just watched your vid with sound this time, and although very brief, the audio commentary is hillarious ! :lol:

oh right.. the only question i have is, how long is too long to let them shed themselves? like this bhp has been patchy for at least 3 days now. everyday more is off but its starting to annoy me. the top has mostly come off but along the ventral scales hasnt budged? will it start to be an issue after a while or not?
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