Warm end stays around 28-30 cool end 25ish
And yes heat cord only on one end.
Neither of them go into their hide very much as it is. Sometimes they will, but mostly they lay all tangled through their leaves (in both the warm and cool end). They seem to like lying under the papertowel smack in the middle of the hide, and this is puffed up most of the time for easy entry under for them.
I also thought maybe the movement has attracted her to the knuckles, but since she actively seeks them out straight away, i don't think it can be that. She goes for them without seeing them. If that makes sense. Time will tell though.
And we gave them 2 decent sized fuzzy mice on Tues. Took them a while but they got through them (even though they decided to go from the bum end each time). They have an extremely sizeable belly now and have just been basking on top of thier hides or under the paper towel. Haven't got them out as yet to see if they still want to eat me, but I miss them already so hopefully they are feeling social tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
ps - I will try the gloves and no handwash lotion to see how that goes Allana.
From Allanah

i have never seen the spelling with 2 l's and no h. New things every day