Bitten by a redback today

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2006
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Alice Springs
Put a pair of shorts on today and got bitten a couple of times by an angry redback spider that decided to make the shorts a temporary home (that's what I get for leaving shorts on the floor) ;)

Only suffered mild symptoms - localised pain, slight nausea and sweating around the bite site. This is the second time I've been bitten in Alice Springs. Has anyone else been bitten before and were the symptoms similar?

For the arachnid lovers, I killed the spider. The last thing I'd want is for my little daughter to get bitten. This must be the worst year ever for redbacks, we've literally got thousands in our yard.
glad your ok. touch wood ive never been bitten by a redback. but a mate was bitten a few years back, he was really sick for 3 or 4 days and ended up with a sore where he was bitten that took weeks to heal. by the way he had left a shirt on the floor and picked it up, as he was putting his arm through the sleave he was bitten near his elbow
glad your ok. touch wood ive never been bitten by a redback. but a mate was bitten a few years back, he was really sick for 3 or 4 days and ended up with a sore where he was bitten that took weeks to heal. by the way he had left a shirt on the floor and picked it up, as he was putting his arm through the sleave he was bitten near his elbow

They seem to love to hide in clothing. A few years ago a mates wife put on a pair of panties that were left on the floor and was bitten in a very embarrassing place. My wife - a friend and nurse - was called to check the bite out. I still can't work out why she didn't call me as it may have needed an engineering opinion ;)

And thank you, I am feeling great at the moment. :)
They seem to love to hide in clothing. A few years ago a mates wife put on a pair of panties that were left on the floor and was bitten in a very embarrassing place. My wife - a friend and nurse - was called to check the bite out. I still can't work out why she didn't call me as it may have needed an engineering opinion ;)

And thank you, I am feeling great at the moment. :)
lol good on ya. i guess you werent called as they didnt want you enjoying your work
Ive never been bitten, but my uncle has 5 times.
He is a Dairy Farmer and due to working on the farm for the last 30 odd years.
His hands are like leather and it dosnt affect him.

Although you wernt bitten on the hand :oops: ouch.
Hope everything still works down there.
I was born in NSW. My mum tells me stories of when I was little, I would pick up all the delitful creepies, carry them around and talk to them. So everytime I went for a nap "Mr Exterminator" got a call:eek:. I'd go back out and all my friends where missing:cry:. Never got bit tho.

Good to hear your ok, and it wasn't bub that got bit.
I was born in NSW. My mum tells me stories of when I was little, I would pick up all the delitful creepies, carry them around and talk to them. So everytime I went for a nap "Mr Exterminator" got a call:eek:. I'd go back out and all my friends where missing:cry:. Never got bit tho.

Good to hear your ok, and it wasn't bub that got bit.

My kids used to do the same about 6yr ago, they'd come to me with half a dozen or so in their little buckets so excited cause they had caught these so called "pets" :?
my dad got bitten by one off the old trailer a few years back and he got pretty sick , he's been bitten by heaps of white tips and doesn't get any effect from them
Down my end, its the whitetails that are everywhere.. probably only seen one or two redbacks ever. I keep the long leg spiders in the house so they can chase away the others ;)
Ouch...glad to hear you didn't get too sick. I've never been bitten by a redback, but I did get bitten by a spider once when I took some clothes off the line. I threw them over my arm and when I walked back inside it bit me. Had a fairly large lump in my arm for a few days and it got red and hot but that's it.

We used to have a redback that lived in the mailbox for years though.
My niece was gardening and distourbed a bunch of redbacks. She was bitten multiple times on the back and ended up in the ER. It was 1 January and she was the only sober patient in the place! She had plenty of pain and was sick for a while. ER staff were very nice to her, as she was the only coherent person there.
Glad to hear your ok:) My son was bitten by a funnel web when he was about 3, he came inside with it on his hand & I yelled at him to drop it so he did & it fell in his gumboot & bit him on the foot.
Your problem is you dont have enough white tails to eat your redbacks. Not sure what do about the white tails when the redbacks have all been eaten though :lol:

Bites vary, i got bitten on the toe a while back and very little happened but i know other who have been crook for days with sweating around the bite site.
"(that's what I get for leaving shorts on the floor) ;)" .... oh geez u sound like my mother lol

i have been bitten a few times by different spiders the worst one i had was things that looked like mozzie bites but about 2 inches long and burning and didnt go away fast super dooper itchy, and dizz spells hot sweats and sick feeling
is that sort of similar to urs? the things on my back were litterally like huge mozzie bites... a rediculous size

i had another bite years ago when i was younger on my arm didnt see what spider it was but the doc said it was deff a spider bite, it was a large lump on my arm and it went rock hard and really really itchy it was like someone had stuck a tennis ball cut in half under the skin on my arm... really wierd! took about a wk and a half to go down a bit

i dont blame u for killing it i do if i see a redback or something similar around, i hate them and i dont like them around the animals or the house
I was bitten not too long ago but I never saw the culprit

I seem to think it was a white tail though..The wounds blistered

& I now 2 small circular scars on my ankle..

Also when I was younger I went to buy a tea towel for mum

In the towel a nice sized white tail came out and crawled up my arm

needless to say all the women in spotlight went burko trying to kill it LOL

We've seen our fair share of red backs around here at one stage my mum

used to keep them as pets catch files for them & release them after a week or so..

Also one of my ex's was an electrician he used to see them on a regular basis

telling me that one time he had one actually lunge at him from a drain pipe :shock:
I woke up this morning and felt a little sore - kind of muscular soreness. I'm not sure if it's related to the bite but most likely because of the exercise I did last night (no not that sort you naughty people). This is the first time I've felt muscular soreness for months and I exercise every day. I'll go out and mow the lawns and see if that makes me feel a bit better.

Those of you that have been bitten by a white tail before, I know the feeling. No necrosis but I did have an itchy finger for several days - the kind of itch that drives you mad ;)

I must admit, everytime I go to Darwin I come back with bites all over me. I'm not sure what they are but they're itchy and form little scabs all over my lower legs. They take several days to go away. No pain at all, just an itch that I can't resist scratching.

Funnel webs are the creatures nightmares are made of. I couldn't imagine the horror seeing my daughter getting bitten by one. I definitely do not want to get bitten by one of those - I think my reaction to such a bite would be slightly more annoying than localised pain and nausea. For those who live in funnel web localities, do you religously check your shoes, clothes etc before putting them on?
I was working in Kalgaringi last week and i found a few of them in my classroom, one was crawling up my leg. Didn't get bit though. I always was curious what the symptoms would be.

They can be fatal though can't they?

Edit: Those bites you get on your lower legs in darwin are sand flies. Once you've been up here a month or two you kinda develop an immunity to them and don't get the long lasting itches.
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