Bitten by a redback today

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I got bit by a red back when I was about 13. I put my hand under the lip on the wheelie bin to pull it out from the wall. No massive symptoms but mum took me to th E.D. anyway sweaty and dizzy and the bite site was very sore an I ended up with like a scabby sore after.
Since then I have been bitten numerous times by huntsmans and other lil creepies. I think the worst thing not to be bitten by but to be affected by are those hairy mary things they are horrid.
Funnel webs are the creatures nightmares are made of. I couldn't imagine the horror seeing my daughter getting bitten by one. I definitely do not want to get bitten by one of those - I think my reaction to such a bite would be slightly more annoying than localised pain and nausea. For those who live in funnel web localities, do you religously check your shoes, clothes etc before putting them on?

Yep, when we were in the blue mountains it really does become a bit of a ritual especially when you know of several people that have been bitten when putting their shoes on. Scarey buggers.
i hate spiders... soooooo much.
i dont know what it is.. the creepiness.:shock:
i am one of theose people that run screaming from the room, jump on tables, trip over other people and almost cry if they come too close and al the time yelling KILL IT.
except i actually mean it...
im actually getting jittery thinking of them.

ive never been bitten tho... i doubt i ever get close enough

though if it was me id probably die from being scared to death.;)
Glad to hear your ok:) My son was bitten by a funnel web when he was about 3, he came inside with it on his hand & I yelled at him to drop it so he did & it fell in his gumboot & bit him on the foot.

Male or female funnel web and what type? and please continue the story if ya dont mind like what happend after and was he ok.

I must admit, everytime I go to Darwin I come back with bites all over me. I'm not sure what they are but they're itchy and form little scabs all over my lower legs. They take several days to go away. No pain at all, just an itch that I can't resist scratching.

Those are sand flys I HATE THEM but im all good now we got **** loads in port macquaire and they only seem to bite your legs mostly.
i hate spiders... soooooo much.
i dont know what it is.. the creepiness.:shock:
i am one of theose people that run screaming from the room, jump on tables, trip over other people and almost cry if they come too close and al the time yelling KILL IT.
except i actually mean it...
im actually getting jittery thinking of them.

ive never been bitten tho... i doubt i ever get close enough

though if it was me id probably die from being scared to death.;)

lol I'm the opposite:lol:
Last week in ISH(Integrated Studies) we had one of the big joint rooms with 3 other homegroups, and there was a HUGE huntsman on the roof.
People kept trying to whack it with there jumpers so I got a chair and scooped it up in my hands and released it into the bush leaving a path of people fainting and screaming;)
hmmmmm........ you got me thinkin.

I noticed last night a spot on my arm that is real itchy and painful, I haven't had much nausea but last night in particular i felt rather rancid and got probably an hours sleep last night. Kept getting hot - cold flushes etc.

Don't think it's red back, but spider maybe.
A couple of years ago something bit me on the sole of the foot I had flu like symptoms for weeks, headache, nauseous, hot cold sweats felt like a truck hit me - aches all over. The bottom of my foot swelled up and I could hardly put weight on it.
A friend was working at Venom Supplies at the time and he said it was typical redback bite symptoms and go to the Doc. (which I didn't :).)
Male or female funnel web and what type? and please continue the story if ya dont mind like what happend after and was he ok.

It was a male funnel web, my son had been collecting snails in a bucket at the time. After he was bitten I immediately wrapped his foot & leg with a footy sock (was handy) & called 000 then I grabbed the spider in a jar.
By the time they arrived about 15 minutes later he was shaking & couldn't speak properly so the ambos knew straight away that he would need anti vanine.
When we arrived at the hospital there was a bit of a uncertainty about what species the spider was, a young chinese intern was convinced it was a male blue mountains funnel web as he had been studying about them at the time so they rang some guy that was the local expert & he immediately rushed to the hospital & identified the spider as a male blue mountains FW. All this took place in about half an hour so at this point it had been about 35 mins since he was bitten.
By this time my son had started sweating like mad, vomiting & was in lot's of pain so they administerd the anti vanine & he was feeling better within a couple of hours. He was kept in hospital under close observation for 3 days & then came home.
All my son can remember is sitting in bed with machines attached to him & drawing in his colouring in book:)
Your very lucky, I was bitten by a spider (not sure exactly what it was) a few years back, i was already ill with the flu I got really sick, i lost 10kgs in 3 days and 23kilos all up over a couple of weeks.
I ended up with a liver infection and on Anti biotics and something else for a month, was freezing cold with a temp of 40 degrees Celcius sweating like crazy, absolutely no energy. For 3 days I wished I would just die, for the next three days i just thought i was going to die, then for the next two weeks i just felt like crap.
When I got back to work after three weeks, i was down to 72 kilos, from 95. I had not been that kind of weight since i was 14.
Not the most fun month i have in my life. not one I wish to suffer from again.
Glad to here you are ok and didn't suffer the same effects as I did.
Cheers Phil
For those who live in funnel web localities, do you religously check your shoes, clothes etc before putting them on?

Yep, yep and yep!!! We gets heaps of them around our place - our favourite park is FULL of funnel web holes. We are really careful with anything kept outside, and quite wary of things kept inside as well, as we had about a thousand baby huntsmen hatch a few weeks ago! They are getting bigger and are on/under/in/around everything you pick up atm!

When my husband first moved here to Australia, I told him about checking his shoes for funnel webs and he just laughed - he thought I was teasing him with one of those typical Aussie stories about drop-bears etc. I had to convince him that he really end up being bitten on the toe by a dangerous spider if he left his shoe outside overnight!
SLiM's Incredibly Helpful and Informative Tips on Caring for your Housebound Redback Spiders:

If you leave clothes on the floor and you don't wash them and you live in Australia, where the world's largest populations of redback spiders live; then do I have some helpful and informative hints to prevent you from being bitten by such spiders.

Some judgemental characters will tell you to wash your clothes in their whining tone that just goes on and on. Or they'll sound like a cracked record and tell you to pick up your clothes and put them away. But little do they know that won't stop you from getting the ol' RB spiders in your undies....

No. The spiders can crawl into draws, can climb cvlotheslines and can even walk!!! They'll get into your undies whether you like it or not.

So you're all waiting for my great tips... You're all saying what experience do I have to award such tips?

Well, being closely ties with the entomology department (I used to drink with an entomology student when I was at uni) and I have seen insects and things like them before - I think I am well qualified.

Also, I have underpants - that clearly makes me qualified.

Also this doesn't just apply to undies - but gardening gloves, shoes (just like in the movie arachnophobia) - shoes, helmets etc!

So what you do.... Get your clean undies. If they're on the floor, leave them there. If they've come from your draw or your clothesline throw them on the floor. Preferably concrete, hard wood or tiles. Carpeted floor does NOT work as well.

Now place shoes on (this is very important). I realise you're undieless - but put SHOES on - even if you're in the nick, your dressing gown or a towel... You MUST wear shoes!

Now proceed to stamp and stomp all over your undies - thus killing any RBs currently habbitating.

This procvedure works well with all clothing items including shoes.

For a helmet, I find using lighter fluid and a match far more successful.

Thank you for reading SLiM's Incredibly Helpful and Informative Tips on Caring for your Housebound Redback Spiders - I can autograph your copy of my book if you like :)
I was in pest control for a while and i found out that redbacks eat daddy long legs, daddy long legs eat white tails, white tails eat redbacks (or some variation of the above)

As for the bite, it also seems that you're either allergic or not. Had a customer who's 3yr old son was bitten on his crown jewels, and apart from localised swelling and a hysterical mother, no probs. Those that get sick, are apparently quite sick. You're either one or the other, nothing in the middle
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