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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2006
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Mornington Peninsula
Got home late last night doing the rounds and yep that unmistakable smell....... dead reptile.
On locating source one of our GTS seems to have bitten itself and died!!!

Has anyone heard of this?
The animal was dead with jaws firmly latched on, fed well 3 days ago and was fine at 11am yesterday morning.
I have not heard of a GTS biting itself and dying but i have seen them bite themselves if they are in pain or are injured. Hope that helps a bit.
I had a childreni died biting into it's side......I think that happens as they are dying....not the cause of the death!
what was the last feed sound's like it was in alot of pain keep an eye on any others that ate the same food souce.Cant say i have heard of them bitting them selves to death mate sus on that last feed any change of food or place you got them.
Sorry to hear of your loss :(

I keep mine together and they have bitten each other before without any signs of pain or illness, i would say something else has caused the problem as suggested above. Perhaps they bite at the pain or something :?

I would get an autopsy done(or at least do one yourself). What was its last meal?
Last meal fish live as always , was fit an healthy in the morning the only chage in circumsatnce wase the loss of her mate some weeks prior (old age) I ruled out broken heart but mmm now after seeing vet and nor reason I dont know.

I also have 2 monster paired olives that refuse to eat unless they are in site of one and other I will not feed togeather but house together but only been together for 4 months.
They are imunne to their own venom as all colubrids and elapids are. Look into other causes.
It is not true that all snakes are immune to their own venom and venomous snakes can and do die from bites to them selves. Obviously not from venom, but I know a case of an over enthusiastic green tree python that accidentally bit itself during feeding time puncturing a vital organ and subsequently died.

Cheers Dave
Last meal fish live as always , was fit an healthy in the morning the only chage in circumsatnce wase the loss of her mate some weeks prior (old age) I ruled out broken heart but mmm now after seeing vet and nor reason I dont know.

This is the second time i have heard of a pair dieing not long after each other for no apparent reason.
The previous was a lass who had two Coastals die within 48 hours of each other. A very good herp vet autopsied both and no reason for death could be found. They were 13 to 15 years old and had been together since hatchies. Everything was and no problems. One died and then 48 hours later the other died.....broken heart is her theory...possible?
sorry for your loss.

interesting theory dying of a broken heart, but i'd believe it.
G'day guys,

It is fairly common for snakes to bite themselves in their last moments before death. I would presume they are biting the source of pain, which is evidenced by the fact that a lot of roadkill snakes are found biting themselves. I highly doubt the bite was the actual cause of death, and if a cagemate had died a short time before, I would be investing in a necropsy.


They are imunne to their own venom as all colubrids and elapids are. Look into other causes.

The spotted black snake (Pseudechis guttatus) is a good example of an elapid species not immune to its own venom, in cases where more than pne have been kept cagemates have envenomated and killed one another.
The fact that you have lost 2 snakes with in weeks of each other and the food was good would make me check for diseases get the dead snake checked to rule it out.
How old was the second snake and what makes you think it was old age that killed the first one. Maybe it was old age and the second snakes time was up.
I would just hate to see you lose any more snakes. Better to be sure than sorry.
I had a gts that just up and died on me about 2 months ago ... not sure why but i think it may have something to do with a bad food source ... did u feed it fish from pet shop or from a river ... always try and avoid pet shop fish bcos of the chemicals in the water
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