Black Headed Python setup?????

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Active Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Hi people
I have another thread about a woma setup now this one is about a bhp i'm into both snakes and i'm wondering what i need for a bhp...... like thermostat, substrate, lighting etc. and is a 1200mm L By 600mm W By 660mm H cage any good.

that cage will be perfect for the first 1-2 years then move into a 6ft.
newspaper with shredded paper on top is great my BHP loves to hide in it, lighting just a party globe, but be careful with feeding only feed small rats as they are more lean just feed a few at a time(once the BHP is big)
The 4ft enclosure dimensions you quoted would be just sufficient for an adult, but I prefer to house them in 6ft enclosures. Substrate can be as simple as newspaper, but BHPs are notorious 'burrowers' and will most likely hide under the newspaper eliminating the idea of the substrate absorbing defications. A simple tile over the paper will keep them from burrowing under the sheets. A hide at the cool end will also help keep them above the paper substrate. We are trialing an Aspen like substrate product that's proving effective, will update more when trials are finished.

Heating and lighting are both provided by light globes, heat mats and cord routed into the floor work well also. Ideal basking area for day 'summer' temps are 32deg+. An obvious lower ambient cool end temp is a must.

Enclosures, females..jpg
High red female, August 2010 denpythons.jpg
So you use both Den,light and heat cord-mat on the floor..IMO once they get around 7ft they need a bigger enclosure.Once mine are of decent size they will be moved into 1800mm(l) x 500mm(h) x 600mm(d).I use heat cords routed into melamine with heat tape covering the cord,gives me a larger heat mass..I only use newspaper,BUT Aspidities would have to be 1 of the messiest snake,they totally destroy the paper.And a cat litter tray for a hide..
Denspythons where do you get those hides/tubs?

Any hardware place should have them,Bunnings etc...Even large cat litter trays upside down with a hole cut out will do the trick also...I can see a problem with that white looking one 2nd from top on left Den,Just sing out when you get a chance to send it my will look after it for you,cant imagine why you would want that 1..
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