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Sarah...You never can definitely tell their sex... best way is to put a adult bluey with another and look for male or female characteristics that they may portray.

The detailed care sheet on the site richardsc recommended gives you a couple of hints of how to guess their sex by body size etc.. but u can never be certain unless u probe... but thats way to much for this beginner :p lol
with up to 100 blueys

Wow... are you a breeder?

if you dont eventually sell some of them it must be sending you broke;););) but i can just see how you fall in love with them!

Whats your favourite breed of blue tongue?

lol hehehe yeah i will get them proffecienally probed . Too dangerous for someone who only got their first 2 babie blueys yesterday like me to do it :D lol hehe so how have yours settled in? mine have settled in great ! they sleep ALOT but are very active when they are awake.That website that was given to the bluey fans...have seen that one before its brillient :D anyways good luck with your new bluey.thanks again.
they probably dont see carrot chunks as food,try giving them some dogfood,they usually chow that down,i breed blotched blueys and shingle backs,hoping to breed my western blueys and centralians this spring and work on the northens and kimbeley northerns in the next year or so,try offering your blueys different foods,they will choose what they like
i dont have anycanned dog food but i do have mince... should i try a lil bit of that?

Considering that you have so many blueys... i was wondering if you have seen a bluey with totally black eyes.. in all the pictures of other peoples blueys i can have seen.. you can see the black pupil with a brown colored eye. But my blueys eyes are totally black... if you have seen this before, is it bad or just different? I am pretty sure he is not blind because when i open the hood of the enclosure, he always opens his eyes an d stares at me for few seconds before carrying on with what ever he was doing.

Also when the time comes and i save up for a new enclosure... i might pm you for a nice blotched blue tongue.. i think their gorgeous and should be my addition to the family.. what do you say?

i dont have anycanned dog food but i do have mince... should i try a lil bit of that?

yeah... don't quote me on this... but i think u have to boil it up, to get any germs out of it, because the canned dog food comes already cooked. On that site Richard recommended before, it says to boil or cook in a crock pot any meat you give to your bluey, but not to fry it because blueys dont react well with the grease needed to cook it that way.

Well i think im right:?

yay !!! i finnaly got them eating !!! yay !!!i gave them some raw mince and they are eating !! yay !
tahkns heaps !
Good on ya Sarah!

Forgot to tell you, your blue tongues look beautiful in the picture on your other thread as well!
i got some info on the mince off an expiriened bluey owner :) he said it is fine to give it to them raw :)
Moony do you provide a heat source?
I have a heat light for my cunninghams and they are active all day!!
Also you should post some pics
Cheers, Daniel
P.s. Congrats on the first reptile.....Im sure there will be plenty more to come!!
Yeah have a heat source and a uv light
35degrees with thermometer on basking rock.. & 27 degrees on the cool end of the enclosure
so i don't think his hibernating... he was a lot more active today.. maybe he is just getting used to the enclosure...
Pics will be coming... buying a new camera sometime soon!
thanks moony !! they are beautiful...would love to see a pic of yours because i am sure yours is as beautiful and gorgous as mine ! lol yeah...raw mince makes it heaps easier for feeding lol i made big balls of mince and put them in the freezer so i defrost 1 a day very helpful. lol thanks again.
i've been told from my reptile vet that too much mince can be too fatty for them so i try to keep that as a treat (as i cant find garden snails anywhere) but i just buy whatever meat is on special at the supermarket and cut it into pieces with scissors and freeze portions in zip lock bags...then every now and then they will get a few crickets(which they go nuts over)...try banana mine LOVE it jack loves carrot grated finely with a herb grater with a small amount of cat food mixed through it
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