Blue tongue Enclosures

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Thx, but the pics make it look way better haha.
I ordered the glass today and Ill be picking it up on Friday. I'll throw up a progress pic in the next couple days with all it's fittings, minus the doors that is.

Would love to see some other people's enclosures for blues and other skinks.
So it's a bin a bit, waiting for things to to be at least touch dry sucks.
I have since done a single clear coat on the out side and 2 coats on the inside.
I did all the wiring today for the single fluro and spot light, I will be getting a proper heat globe on Friday or the weekend, where is the best place to get a thermostat switch for a good price?


Also glass will be in Friday night or over the weekend and I'm going to leave it cure for few days before I put ol' blue in there.
Ahh, Snow it's looking fantastic! Would love to see a picture of it with the lights on at night.
Are you planning to put fake plants and the like in there? I'm jealous, I couldn't put something together from scratch like that haha, I'm cheating and using tv cabinets!
I have a 4x2x2 wooden enclosure with a cave & a didgeridoo for hides,basking rock,log and red gum gum chips for substrate about 2" deep that she loves to burrow through .There is a 2' UV flouro (and a heat cable under the rock for cold days)also a big water dish to bathe in.Sorry can't put up pics ATM as I'm on a crappy old laptop
This is my shingle back's home. He has a MVB for heat and UV, 2 hides (you can't see the one up front, and normally I have massive plastic green leaves in there for him to hide under. I took them out for the photo so you can see the lizard :)
I know he isn't a blue tongue, but they reqire the same set up still :)

Ahh, Snow it's looking fantastic! Would love to see a picture of it with the lights on at night.
Are you planning to put fake plants and the like in there? I'm jealous, I couldn't put something together from scratch like that haha, I'm cheating and using tv cabinets!

Oh I never thaught of putting plants in there, the only enclosures I have seen have been basic, water bowl, hide and wood chips. I will look into that maybe some of the nice soft ones from the dollar store?
how would you go about fixing them in there or just let the lizard rearanege them hahaha.

Would love to see some pics of yours dragonlover1, mines only 3feet long to fit on a bench in the kitchen. I'm still unsure as how to go about the basking rock, its hard to find something thats skinny enough so it wont be inches from the heat lamp and I dont want a tile trying to go for an all natural look :D
so I have finaly finished building my enclosure, the glass was ordered wrong so I had to get that re done, shifty buggers were going to try and make me pay the difference too.
All in all I wont be going there again and I have sonce learned it is very over priced :mad: as in almost double what there competitors quote...

Here it is installed in the kitchen, Just need to get my dimming thermostat next week and thats it.

So now its time to move on to a double snake enclosure :D
Snow that looks awesome! Wow.. Lucky little bluey :D

Personally, I would definitely add in some fake plants, and make the enclosure a little more like a natural habitat. blueys are pretty intelligent and VERY inquisitive. It's also a good idea if possible to rearrange things in the enclosure occasionally, just to keep them stimulated. You'll notice most blueys will really go around and explore when things have been changed. I have no doubts that it's beneficial for them, to keep things a little interesting.

As far as fixing the plants, there are a lot of different methods out there. I couldn't tell you myself, as I'm in the same process of figuring things out myself right now haha, but surely it can't be all that difficult! I've just brought home a little bluey from the castle hill expo, so I'll be setting him up a nice permanent enclosure asap, and it'll most certainly include some nice fake plants for him to rummage around in and hide under :)

Any chance for some more pics of your little bluey any time soon? They're such cuties

Thanks I'm surprised it turned out so well hahaha. You should have seen him dart around investigating his new space its was cool, he even got on his rock for a bit of a warm up soo awsome to watch.
yeah I'll probably go to the local dollar store this weekend and see what plants they have. Firstly I hafto go get a lower watt heat lamp and may hafto add extra Vents, the one I put in there shot the temp up way to high it was 30+ at the cool end oops oh well live and learn, will come in handy for next build :D

I'll get some more pics of him tomorrow lunch time after I finnish work, I'll try get some pics of him feeding :D he is still a little hopless at chaseing crickets it funny to watch :)
this is him last week
Any chance for some more pics of your little bluey any time soon? They're such cuties


here I got these today no feeding as my feminine side fed blue before I got home from work :(
still got some of him basking under the heat lamp for a bit before the tank heated up to much and I had to turn it off.




He got under there and just flattened himself out sooo cute haha
If you want to secure plants in there get hold of a hot glue gun and glue them to the bottom then put the substrate back in, when you want to move them around just use your hair dryer to soften the hot glue...........................Ron
If you want to secure plants in there get hold of a hot glue gun and glue them to the bottom then put the substrate back in, when you want to move them around just use your hair dryer to soften the hot glue...........................Ron

Thanks I'll borrow the one from work, I just threw some plastic vine in there for now, should be plenty exiting for him. Till I can find some more interesting fake plants.
Awww look at im peering out. I'd say he loves it! Lovely vine too, where'd you get it? Looks great!
Awww look at im peering out. I'd say he loves it! Lovely vine too, where'd you get it? Looks great!

Yeah it deff looks better then I thaught it would when I got it off the rack at HOT DOLLAR it was the only plant they had there appart from the more ridgid flower ones for vases.
its like plastic chain link but when its all bunched together it looks pretty :) cant wait to build my snake enclosre and deck it out haha
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