blue tongue orange belly

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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sunshine coast
picked up another couple of blue tongues. one has an orange belly. where does the orange belly come from? i will post pics tonite if necessary. not stained like i thought. definately x ed with something maybe central? i have 2 look the same , boy has it girl doesnt, siblings.
Nothing wrong with an orange belly! :)

Ive been told by a few ppl that the orange belly is a female,correct me if im wrong...
i wasnt saying it was a defect , i was more thinking of what local it comes from. i have owned nearly 30 in the past 15 yrs and no east or north i have ever owned has had it.
if that does mean its a girl , then she keeps biting the boys head, thats weird usually the other way round.
yeah mr b it looks very similar it is nearly white in colour and is speckled through with black and has brighter orange striping on the back then the sides. can you tell me what region it is from, i am always looking to know as much as i can about my animals so i can look back through my info for ancestry.
any clue would be appreciated.
Generally it can signify gender and during high levels of oestogen the females belly becomes more vivid. Contrary to that I had a male, the main breeder, for 28 years and his belly was orange. He came from SE Queensland. Fernygrove, about 20 metres from the railway station to be precise.
here's a beautiful girl i found in the front yard last year,she is still around the place and i see her little babies every year,shes has many running around right now!
i had a pair, unsexed and one turned orange evrry now and again and the other turned blue?? i didnt take much notice of it i was only about 12. no idea what it means
Coz, the skink pictured is het for hyper, the original founder of that project was caught in Sydney, but i'm unsure what locality the other skinks used in the project originated from.

Here in Sydney it is not at all uncommon to find blueys with pink or orange bellies.
his is eastern , ive been keeping these for 3yr now


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thanks for the info guys. thought maybe it had been crossed, as you can see the variety can be quite different for a common bluey
and for your peace of they are not kept together.


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