blue tongue trouble

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May 2, 2011
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I have had stumpy for 5 years now I rescued him off of a raod after he was hit by a car. he is blind now and he had a brain bleed the vet told me. i got a permit for him from NP and wildlife services. I havent had any trouble looking after him till now . He has a resportory infection.I took him straight to the vet and he is on antibiotics. can any1 tell me how long it might take him to get better?
Just make sure you keep him nice and warm. And dont leave a waterdish in his cage and remove any uneaten food immediately. Just offer him a drink out of the cage every day. Depending on how bad the RI is will depend how long it takes to subside. He should be right within a couple a of weeks of the antibiotic course finishing. Good Luck
You are a good soul,the world needs more like you.

bless you and your little pal,hope he gets better soon.
how long, it really depends
from your post it seems the lil guy has alot to fight against, a bleeding brain (?) and resp. infection
was he blind before or was this due to the accident? I'd imagine after? that's another on the list
a combination of these injuries would probably slow down healing as compared to a single injury
not to mention the stress the poor little thing might have endured so far
i'd say take baby steps with this one
Surely that is what the vet is for?

Good luck with him and bless you.
how long, it really depends
from your post it seems the lil guy has alot to fight against, a bleeding brain (?) and resp. infection
was he blind before or was this due to the accident? I'd imagine after? that's another on the list
a combination of these injuries would probably slow down healing as compared to a single injury
not to mention the stress the poor little thing might have endured so far
i'd say take baby steps with this one
I think all those injuries were from 5 years ago when the OP rescued it, only the RI is new.
Depends on the antibiotic and his immuno-competence. The vet should have told you how many doses to give him and how often to give them so make sure you complete the full course of antibiotics even if it looks like he has recovered before hand.

good luck
Respitory infections can sometimes be caused by high humidity?. Hope the stumpy recovers well
Hi guys ty for all the helpfull comments. Just letting you know stumpy finished his course of anti b. Hes already showing a little improvment.
RI should be gone by the time the antis are finished, see if you can get some more.

i got a rescue beardy a few years ago with such a bad RI her lungs are permanently damaged, the vet said she'd have recurring RI's, and he was right.

i always get 3 months woth of fortum (injections)forl her, it takes about 10 days to kick in properly, and i tend to keep her on it frlo 6 weeks, give her a break till her breathing starts getting laboured again, then repeat.

normal RI's should be gone after a month of injections.
Hey guys just letting you know how stumpy is doing. he was still heaving to breath now and again 10 days after the 1st lot of anti b. so i rang the vet and got him another course. He just had a big drink of water but vomited a little of it back up he also passed a very mucousy wee. He was a little agatated after that but has settled down to sleep now. He still has a week worth of anti b to take.( of which he hates taking with a passion lol) Ill keep u posted . again ty for all the helpfull feed back.
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