BlueTongue Escape!

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Active Member
Apr 17, 2009
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It is so cold in my house at night that I have been keeping my juveline bluetongues in a 15L plastic tub overnight with a 5W heat mat under one end.

Last night at 7:30 i forgot to put the weight on it.

Later at 12:45 I was cleaning some boxes in my room. I am moving to a different room in the house so there are about 20 boxes of stuff in there at the moment and yet more stuff all over the floor being sorted.

I found a lizard on the floor. Oh no! Right on the other side of the room from their plastic tub. The other one had escaped too. I spent the next hour tearing my room apart looking in all the boxes for him because it is pretty cold tonight and I was very worried.

Finally I gave up and put a food dish on the floor. I went to close the heavy blanket/curtain I use over my window and the little devil had climbed up inside the folds of the blanket.

I am so relieved I found him. Now there is a BRICK on top of the box!

Meanwhile it looks like a giant mess bomb exploded in my room!

What are some of your escape tales/close calls?
I just woke up to a noise next to my bed and there was a ****ing huge snake there.
She opened the glass on her enclosure and got out looking for her boyfriend.
She is a 4 year old woma, wasn't in a good mood either.
Got me out of bed quick though
I've lost my bluey more times then you could imagine! :)
And he still lives to tell the tale. We lost him at our friends house one time, when we took him to see their kids for a visit. He somehow managed to escape the box we was in and we lots him for about 3 months! They found him under there fridge, surviving on bits of food that had rollen under there :)
Then when he was only about 8 months old we lots him 3 times in two months. The longest was about 3 days, where i teared the whole house apart. I finally gave up on the third day, and when i was crying and holding my big male bluey, i heard this scratching noise coming from under the metal stand, looked underneath and there he was curled up in a pile of dust, sleeping :)
Now he's in a terrarium with double locks on it :)
Unfortunately there is too many reptiles escaping these days,one of the most important thing is to make sure the tub,enclosure is escape proof.Otherwise thats when we will start having disastrous effects on the enviroment,what happens if a M.D escapes in bushland in Sydney.Its bad enough that there is ppl out there deliberately breeding Hybribs,but thats just another huge topic,we wont go there,again.Im glad all you above has found the escapey,please be a little more careful,cheers.Mark
Really was it your real big Tanami's??? She must be toey lol

I got a call from my girlfriend at the time totally out of her mind, telling me that one of my bredli had got out of its enclosure. So i raced home to find my GF out the front of the house crying and as soon as i got out of the car she was yelling at me that one of the Bredli had gotten into the beardy enclosure!!! So down the hall i race expecting to see 1-2 missing beardies and a very fat bredli. Got to the enclosure hooked the bredli and back into its enclosure it went, then checked the beardies and they were both sitting there perfectly relaxed wondering what all the commotion was about. The reason why this happened, i was using sand as a substrate back then for both snakes and beardies, this time i got a rather wet batch so left the beardy enclosure about 5mm open on each side knowing full well that there was no way they could open it...... hmmmm didnt expect a 5ft Bredli to help them open it lol

close call and lesson learned

I just woke up to a noise next to my bed and there was a ****ing huge snake there.
She opened the glass on her enclosure and got out looking for her boyfriend.
She is a 4 year old woma, wasn't in a good mood either.
Got me out of bed quick though
Pythons73, you make such a good point. I am tired of hearing customers at my work complaining about all the illegal mammals. No ferrets, gerbils, hamsters etc. Hearing how good snakes are at escaping, I can see why we are so strict about exotic animals! I know most owners are responsible but it only takes one time forgetting something for disaster! I like snakes but I think they are so small and fast that I think I would be permanently on high alert.

I don't so much mind my bluies running around in my room normally. It is escape proofed already due to my birds playing in there also. It was more the 20 boxes I had to sort through :( And the fact that it was 5 degrees....

I knew they could climb but I had no idea they were so sneaky!
MY Bluey lived with my BF while i was over seas. They had a batchlor pad goin Google roamed the unit freely even went outside then came back in on his own accord!!!!!! I felt bad taking google home again and he HATED living back in the Avairy. Early this year my family had to go to QLD for family matters so Google went back to the pad. The lil **** must have known cos the day i got back Google went outside and never returned :( :( :( :(

He lived freely there for 6 months i took him back for 2 then he went back to the pad for only a few weeks before leavin :( he didnt escape as he was never truly locked up there. I guess he hated me or he wasnt settled again and left or the other horrible thought a brid got him while outside :( :(. I will never know Google was the coolest and i feel its my fault for upsetting his lifestyle i should have not tried to move him from his happy environment.

The other horrible thing is the Batchlor pad now has roaches!!!!!!!!!
considering i have 8 beardies that i let free roam i have a tonne of fun finding everyone every night after work,... :)
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