there are a few breeders but as with most Diplodactylus they arekept in quite low numbers. I have seen them in the wild and they are a lovley little gecko.
My i just suggest that you begin with a different species Reptile_Boy.
As first time keeping and breeding i'd be enclined to go for u.milii, n.levis, or possibly some oedura species.
Yeah i only put that down as their is a growing trends for people to say oedura.....personall i wouldn't know since i have none in my collection as yet.
Thickies or knobbies are certainly the way to go though.
Box patterns would make a fine first gecko, I have found them to be one of the easiest geckos I've kept, they lay heaps of eggs, just none of them hatch . Keep them pretty much the same as eastern stones, though their eggs hatch fine.