Branches in enclosure

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Very Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Central Coast, NSW

Im setting up a click clack, and i grabbed a branch from outside to stick inside. At the moment it is soaking in bleach, and then i will stick it in the oven.( I read somewhere someone else does this) The branch is not smooth, has little pieces of bark missing but its the perfect size for the click clack

Just wondering if this is ok to do? Will the bleach be harmful? Or should i buy a fake branch?
To kill anything living inside/on the branch

yeah it'll be fine just make sure you wash the bleach off, so maybe soak it is water afterwards, i wouldn't bother putting it in the oven though you can if you like.

Im setting up a click clack, and i grabbed a branch from outside to stick inside. At the moment it is soaking in bleach, and then i will stick it in the oven.( I read somewhere someone else does this) The branch is not smooth, has little pieces of bark missing but its the perfect size for the click clack

Just wondering if this is ok to do? Will the bleach be harmful? Or should i buy a fake branch?

Personally i would bake it in the oven at 100 degrees for 3 hours, this draws all the moisture out of the branch and kills any parasites. (Dont use cedar, its TOXIC)
Please throw it away, bleaching is only anygood if you dilute sufficiantly, and to be on the safe side dont bother. If you want to clean it, hose it down. i have just this minute placed 2 new branches in the enclosures, all i did was smooth a couple of sharp edges and wiped it with a dry cloth.
oh yeh then i placed them in. As simple as that.
Thanks everyone :)

Ill take it out of the bleach now and soak in some water. I might put it in the oven afterwards aswell, and it can dry. Cant help to be safe :)

Thanks all for your help
putting it in the oven is a plausable idea, i put a litlle stick in my snakes click clack once and after about a week i noticed it had some mould on it. needless to say i chucked it out asap. i think that bleach and and oven would have helped me in that case. put it in for at least and hour.
i never bleach or cook my branches and logs. i just make sure they are all sprayed with T.O.D before putting them in enclosures
Please throw it away, bleaching is only anygood if you dilute sufficiantly, and to be on the safe side dont bother. If you want to clean it, hose it down. i have just this minute placed 2 new branches in the enclosures, all i did was smooth a couple of sharp edges and wiped it with a dry cloth.
oh yeh then i placed them in. As simple as that.

Arrrgh. I dont know what to believe.. some say its fine then others say no.

Id think after soaking it in water it should be fine, if it smells too "bleachy" after the oven then i will toss it :)

thanks again
The bleach will evaporate in no time at all, not necessary either but just rinse it off and let dry.
Thanks everyone :)

Ill take it out of the bleach now and soak in some water. I might put it in the oven afterwards aswell, and it can dry. Cant help to be safe :)

Thanks all for your help

i have a better idea, place it in a microvave, at least then it wont catch on fire.
i am being sarcastic. throw it away
I normally just pour boiling water over the branches and then scrub the, repeat the process until everything comes out, then let them sun dry for a couple of days.
I think he was meaning to throw it away if it still contained bleach on it? Not sure though. .
I tip boiling water over them a few times give them a scrub then give them a couple of days to dry out and once they are dry into the enclosure
I do the same as Chris and warren, by pouring boiling water over the smaller ones and then sun dry. With the larger ones, I stuck them into the pool to drown any borers so that when I add them to my larger enclosure (when I get one), the borers wont attack the wood! For me, its not the issue of pests for the snake, but rather pests that could attack my enclosure or indoor furniture.

I dont like the idea of bleach and wood. Wood being naturally pourous will absorb any bleach, and making it a pain in the butt to get rid of later. I would rather not risk it.
As Slytherin said it's more about the pests attacking the enclosure or furniture, or the branch having a heap of ants or the like in it which end up crawling around in the tank. Hot water, sun dry.

Beardies don't get their branches bleached for them in the wild, but I can see why people are trying to prevent any unwanted parasites.
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