Branches in enclosure

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With the larger ones, I stuck them into the pool

Perhaps you don't realise that there is bleach in the pool.

Beardies don't get their branches bleached for them in the wild, but I can see why people are trying to prevent any unwanted parasites.

Captive bred animals don't have the same immune system as wild animals. This is because they aren't exposed to those parasites, etc., that they would be in the wild. Something that might be a walk in the park for a wild animal could kill something of ours. Is the same argument with freezing rats and mice. People say that wild animals don't get their food frozen and thawed, so why should ours? It's because most captive animals have NEVER been exposed to internal parasites, and as such, their immune system would be poorly prepared for dealing with them. Because of this, we worm them or give them antibiotics to fight them.

Despite this, I use many logs, branches and rocks in my enclosures, and I only give them a good spray over with a high pressured hose, then let them dry in the sun.
Boiling water and scrub it should do the job. Remember to do this even if they're from pet shops, i bought one without washing and there was mould on it after a day:(:(.

I think i will toss the branch. I think i used too much bleach, and it has left the branch with white residue, if you know what i mean.
Next time ill just use boiling water/ oven

thanks all
halleluiah, praise the lord,
i think it would be a classic if you know change your footnote to read
take a chance ... go out on a limb or nucke it in bleach first.

oh yeah dont forget to ovenbake it till its goldenbrown.
bigi, stop being so superior. bleach evaporates in heat, so either soak it in hot water or bake it for a few hours.
Why would it need to be thrown away?

To see if you hadn't inadvertantly picked up a boomerang of course. :lol:


This topic comes up quite often and it is always the same 50% of members say bleach then oven and sometimes freezer, whereas the other 50% say put it straight in. :?

For me, I just give it a quick 5 minute go in the oven on 250 to kill off any mites and eggs. The rest of the bugs (if any survive) no doubt will escape through the vents. :|

There is my two cents worth. :D
Just get a small piece of dowel (sp?) from the hardware store.
I've cut up a broken shovel handle and screwed that across my click-clack for climbing. No worries about bugs.

I bleach my branches (soak in bathtub with dilute bleach), thoroughly rinse, then let them dry for a few days (preferably in the sun) before putting them in the enclosures. By the time they have been rinsed and aired, you can't smell any bleach. The snakes love them.
Just ignore bigi, hes only stirring :p

Keep it up and ill have to poke you again! (with my bleached stick lol)
i T.O.D my branches then f 10 them

let to sun dry an install

but first i leave them out in the sun for a week or so an chip all the bark off branches
i use branches out of my garden all the time- i dont see any poblem with it.
the bleach residue may be very harmful. if you dont smell bleach, does that mean its not there?
why all the paranoia about fresh branches???
i use branches out of my garden all the time- i dont see any poblem with it.
the bleach residue may be very harmful. if you dont smell bleach, does that mean its not there?
why all the paranoia about fresh branches???

As mentioned, termites (not good for your enclosure or your home furniture), possible snake mites and other baddies etc.

Better to be safe than sorry I guess.

I will be collecting some rocks / branches for my new enclosure soon, and was thinking of the same thing, Im just gonna drench in boiling water and oven bake to dry it out etc. Quick spray of TOP and whack it in.
i use branches out of my garden all the time- i dont see any poblem with it.
the bleach residue may be very harmful. if you dont smell bleach, does that mean its not there?
why all the paranoia about fresh branches???
i'm with you lynfrog - I think people get a bit over protective. I did spray my branch though with water, boiling water & sun-dried it as it didn't come out of my garden (just in case insecticides been sprayd). But I think the "odd piece of dirt" might be more beneficient then anytrhing else. Same with the kids - can't stand those parents which run behind their kids with desinfectant; how are you suppose to build up anti bodies?
Same with the kids - can't stand those parents which run behind their kids with desinfectant; how are you suppose to build up anti bodies?

Lol, so true. A bit of nose-picking never hurt anyone.
Quote notechistiger -Perhaps you don't realise that there is bleach in the pool.

Dad withheld putting chlorine in the pool for the days I had the branches in there. Also to my knowledge, sunlight neutralizes chlorine to a degree. :D
Lol, so true. A bit of nose-picking never hurt anyone.

The first 2 years of my life I grew up on snot... But hay we were that poor I had to go next door to be breast fed.

I remember once my Kindy teacher told me to pay attention, my reply was "we can't afford it!"
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