Brand newbie about to buy 1st hatchling beardies

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New Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Chatswood, Sydney, NSW
Hi peeps,

So glad I found a forum - am new to being a lizard owner so it will be heaps handy to read all the advice and share pics :)

Got into reptiles after owning a Mediterranean tortoise called Sherman. Was so shocked at how fun he was - not boring at all - and he was seriously a fast moving little tycoon - lost him a few times in my apartment. He would also come and sit on my foot to get warm and watching him eat lettuce was pretty funny 2 :)

Any-hoo went and checked out some beardie's over in Pendle Hill, NSW last weekend and fell in lurve with them instantly. There's a couple of awesome breeders out there called Andrew and Pete. They also have Boyd's and a couple of goanna's who looked pretty frisky !

So I'm collecting 2 hatchling beardie's in about a week from now - got the enclosure and located a pet shop in Kellyville selling live crickets.

I am sure i will be back on here with a ton of questions when they arrive home and start running riot - I hope I can keep them super healthy and happy ....

Great to meet you all !

just so u know any exotic reptiles such as tortoises, chameleons and the like are all illegal in australia. also hope u know u need a license to keep reptiles in australia as well.

and beardies are great pets. my bf's ones have the run of his lounge room some times :) they are great. just be careful where u buy them and make sure they are from reputable dealer :)

good luck :)
Hi guys thanks for the warm welcome.

I am in Chatswood, Sydney - I've been over in AU for about 4 years and before that me and the tortoise lived in the UK :)

Do you guys know of an easy way get some woodies without driving too far from the North Shore? I get scared of all the traffic !

Even better if I can just have a box delivered?

Also thanks for the reminder about the license - will apply right now :)

Thanks guys,

Hi and welcome there is afew online places that will deliver woodies and crickets try

DixiLizards - DixiGlen Farm
ARCade - The Store

I'm sure there is more thats all I can think of at the moment hope that helps you

any pics of your tortoise I have two turtles and a pygmy bearded dragon soon to be getting a Central bearded dragon as well
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